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Why do I want this job

Tips To Prepare a Government Job Interview


Why do I want this job

Employers aren't just looking for bodies to fill in vacant positions. They want people who can bring something new and valuable to their business.
The only way you can prove to an interviewer that you've got what it takes is to show that you know exactly what his/her organization does. Find out as much as you can.
When you really know the answer to "Why do I want this job?" you'll be able to answer some important interview questions such as:
How did you become interested in this field?
Why did you submit your application to our company/organization?
What are your general career interests?
What do you see yourself doing in five years?


Do NOT Over Design Your Resume
Do NOT Panic if Something Goes Wrong
In Entire Interview be Honest and Natural
Start With Your Family Members
Be Punctual
Resume Must be Short Simple and Elegant
Do NOT Show Anger at Interviewers if Rejected
Understand and Know About Interview Protocol
What else do I need to know
Great Presence of Mind is Needed
Present Yourself like an Open Book
Talk what you Know or about Your Expertise
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