Isobaric and Isothermal Lines
Simple Science
Isobaric and Isothermal Lines
If a line were drawn through all points on the surface of the earth having an equal barometric pressure at the same time, such a line would be called an isobar. For example, if the height of barometers in different localities is observed at exactly the same time, and if all the cities and towns which have the same pressure are connected by a line, the curved lines will be called isobars. By the aid of these lines the barometric conditions over a large area can be studied. The Weather Bureau at Washington relies greatly on these isobars for statements concerning local and distant weather forecasts, any shift in isobaric lines showing change in atmospheric pressure.
If a line is drawn through all points on the surface of the earth having the same temperature at the same instant, such a line is called an isotherm.
FIG. - Isotherms.