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How to Play Handicap Scoring

Rules to play Shuffleboard


How to Play Handicap Scoring

The purpose of handicap scoring is to allow players of different expertise play at an even level, similar to a golf handicap. The better team or player simply uses the smaller red numbers and the other team or player uses the black numbers. Example:The more advanced player may receive three points for a particular shot whereas the other player would receive four points for the same shot. Remember: The puck must be completely inside the score zone to count in the higher zone. If you re not sure, look directly down on top of the puck. If its touching the line it counts in the smaller zone.


How to Play Handicap Scoring
Tap Draw Shuffleboard Rules
Knock Off Shuffleboard Rules
Decide who starts
wooden disks and a cue
Assemble the players at the shuffleboard court
Disks are cast
Prepare the playing surface
Retrieve the disks and start again
How To Play With 4 Players
players or teams
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