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Super G

Rules to Play Down Hill Skiing


Super G

The Super G made its Olympic debut at the 1988 Calgary Games. Short for super giant slalom, it combines the speed of downhill (usually 60 65 mph) and the precise turning (30 35 changes of direction) of giant slalom.Unlike the downhill, no training runs are permitted in the Super G; only a one hour visual inspection on the morning of the race is allowed. Skiers must memorize the course quickly, trust their instincts to find the fastest line and stay true to their technique to produce an error free run.The start order is determined by the results and points from World Cup events leading up to the Games. Based on a pre race draw, the skiers ranked in the top 15 will receive a start number 8 22, while the skiers ranked 16th through 30th will receive a start number 1 7 or 23 30. They are followed by the rest of the field, starting with the skiers with the most World Cup Start List (WCSL) points, then FIS points.


Super G
First competitions
Giant slalom
Super combined
Speed disciplines
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