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Precautions while using Oxygen Therapy



Various devices are used for administration of oxygen. In most cases, the oxygen will first pass through a pressure regulator, used to control the high pressure of oxygen delivered from a cylinder (or other source) to a lower pressure. This lower pressure is then controlled by a flowmeter, which may be preset or selectable, and this controls the flow in a measure such as litres per minute (lpm). The typical flowmeter range for medical oxygen is between 0 and 15 lpm with some units able to obtain up to 25 liters per minute. Many wall flowmeters using a Thorpe tube design are able to be dialed to flush which is beneficial in emergency situations.


Game controllers should not be used with oxygen;
Do not carry liquid oxygen in a backpack
Use in chronic conditions
Keep extra charged batteries
Do not put the oxygen tubing under clothing
Medical equipment
Using and maintaining tanks
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