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Do not stand directly against an oven

Precautions while using Microwaves


Do not stand directly against an oven

Do not stand directly against an oven for long periods of time while it is operating. Materials containing water, for example foods, fluids or tissues, readily absorb microwave energy, which is then converted into heat. This Information Sheet discusses the operation and safety aspects of microwave ovens used in the home. More details about the nature of electromagnetic fields and health effects of radiofrequency and microwave fields are available in WHO Fact Sheets 182 and 183.


Dont operate an oven if the door does not close
Ovens used for laboratory applications
Take care and ensure that children are using
How is the radiation measured outside the microwave
Cooking Containers and Foils
Microwave Oven Operating Instructions
Make sure children understand the rules
Let food cool for 60 seconds
Do not operate a microwave oven unattended
Heart pacemakers
Can be damaged by unabsorbed energy
Cooking meats
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