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Accomplished and Fulfilled

Men Like in Women


Accomplished and Fulfilled

Women who actually enjoy the things they do are more attractive, which means you should definitely stop whining about the things you DON?T have and start enjoying the things you DO! It?s not about being extremely beautiful, having a good job, an impressive resume or whatnot it?s about you being happy about who you are as a person, it?s about being positive, about knowing that you?re a great woman who deserves great things. And, believe me, it?s true that bad luck never travels alone, but the same can be said for good luck as well.


Flirty gestures
Lingerie that doesnt match
A womans ability to flirt back
Just a little bit of skin
Sense of Humor
Unkempt hair
A cheerful attitude
A Good Listener
Able to Enjoy Her Food
More ...

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