Blackjack Mulligan
Largest Wrestlers in WWE History

Blackjack Mulligan
A member of the 1966 New York Jets, Bob Windham began training for a professional wrestling career at the urging of teammate and mat legend Wahoo McDaniel. It was a natural fit for the 6foot7, 340pound former U.S. Marine who was rivaled only by Andre the Giant in terms of size and power during his prime years in the mid70s. A no nonsense competitor, the gruff Texan finished off foe after foe with his signature Iron Claw. In 1975, Mulligan formed The Blackjacks alongside Blackjack Lanza and manager Capt. Lou Albano and went on to win the World Tag Team Championships under manager Capt. Lou Albano. In addition, Mulligan enjoyed great success in territories like Florida, MidAtlantic, World Class and the AWA.

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