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Career highlights

Kiran Bedi


Career highlights

In 1977, she put an end to the AkaliNirankari Sikh riots at India Gate.
1979, as DCP West Delhi, she broke up a 200yearold illicit liquor trade.
In 1981 as DCP Traffic she controlled traffic during the 1982 Asian Games efficiently. She didnt hesitate to tow away cars and once even challaned the Prime Ministers car for wrong parking near a car repair shop.
In 1985, as DCP headquarters she ordered 1600 pending promotions to be made in a single day. Standing instructions were issued that if any file was not cleared within three days the person concerned would be called personally to explain the delay.
In 1993, as the Inspector General of Asias biggest jail the Tihar jail 9100 inmates including 300 women she turned the unlivable jail into an abode of education. Said Kiran while joining her posting at the jail, I want to transform this jail into an Ashram within six months. She introduced many classes and programs for the inmates including those on basic education, meditation, yoga besides functions like mushairas, kavi sammelans, dramas and games, which involved the jail inmates. For her effort to humanize the Tihar jail she was honored with the 1994 Ramon Magsaysay Award.


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