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India against corruption

Kiran Bedi


India against corruption

On 16 August 2011, key members of the India Against Corruption IAC including Bedi were arrested four hours before the planned indefinite hunger strike by Hazare.Bedi and other activist were later released in the evening same day.After twelve days of protests and many discussions between the government and the activists, Parliament passed a resolution to consider three points in drafting of Lokpal bill.During the period of Bedis involvement, IAC protested against corruption and urged the government of India to enact the Lokpal Bill.Bedi split from the group in November 2012.Bedi did not join the Aam Aadmi Party started by Arvind Kejriwal, which evolved from a faction of the India Against Corruption movement. Before the Indian general election, 2014, she declared support for Narendra Modi as the prime ministerial candidate.


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