
Kalmia latifolia
Mountain laurel, calico bush, ivy bush, lambkill.
Key Uses:
Origin : Native to eastern North America.
Background : This plant is notoriously poisonous: grazing on the leaves can kill cattle and sheep and cause the meat from the animals to become too toxic to eat.
Preparation : The fresh leaves of the plant in flower are chopped and macerated in alcohol.
Remedy Profile : People for whom Kalmia is most suitable feel fine when lying down, but become dizzy and disoriented on trying to move.
The remedy is usually given for severe, sharp neuralgic pains in the muscles and joints, and for general muscle pain. The pains are sharp and darting, and generally radiate downward. They are frequently accompanied by great weakness, stiffness, numbness, trembling, and a tingling sensation. Heart disease, especially if it develops after a history of neuralgic pain and stiffness, may also be treated with Kalmia.
Symptoms Better : For eating; for remaining still.
Symptoms Worse : For becoming cold; for movement; from sunrise to sunset.

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