
Kalium arsenicosum
Potassium arsenate, Fowler’s solution.
Key Uses:
Origin : Chemically prepared.
Background : The form of potassium arsenate used is Fowler’s solution, which consists of tincture of lavender, potassium carbonate, arsenous acid, and pure water.
Preparation : The compound is triturated with lactose sugar.
Remedy Profile : Kali. ars. is most suitable for people who are very anxious, especially about their health, and is similar in profile to Arsen. alb. (see page 68). Those affected may experience great mental and physical restlessness, with nervousness, depression, anemia, and hypersensitivity to touch and noise. They have a tendency to be either quarrelsome and excitable, or withdrawn, timid, and indifferent.
Key physical symptoms associated with this remedy are chronic or malignant skin problems. The skin typically burns and itches, becoming worse on undressing and for the cold; cracks may develop in the bends of the knees and arms. This is usually symptomatic of eczema, psoriasis, acne, or ulcers. The remedy may be used to ease skin cancer, and for varicose veins on the legs that have become ulcerous.
In addition, the remedy may be given for asthma with rapid, anxious breathing, which may become worse after midnight.
Symptoms Better : For rainy days.
Symptoms Worse : For cold feet; for noise; for touch; between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.

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