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Healthy Lips



Lips are susceptible to sunburn since they lack melanin, the pigment that helps shield skin from the sun. Apply a layer of a sun protective product daily like Neutrogena Lip Moisturizer SPF 15 ($3; at drugstores) or look for a lipstick with SPF like Est?e Lauder Futurist SPF 15 ($17.50, which comes in 22 shades.


Eat a Healthy Diet
Leadfree Lipstick
Scrub your lips
W3LL People Nudist Lipshine Stick
Stay hydrated
Add moisture before sleep
Massage the lips
Oiling the belly button
Hydrate yourself to keep your lips hydrated too
Avoid eating salty foods that leave a buildup on your lips
Exercise Your Lips
Stay away from Dark Colours
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