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Be careful when styling at home

Healthy Hair


Be careful when styling at home

The problem with people treating hair at home is no one else is looking. Often people will come in who have damage to their scalp that they didnt notice was there. Specific practices that can be problematic include straightening, processing, hair coloring, and heat. If you do those things at home, try to modify your hair care habits. So, try not to put heat on more than once a week, reduce the frequency of flat iron use, blow dry at a lower setting. Its about frequency and amount.


To keep your hair bouncy and healthy
feel pain while youre at the salon
Opt for looser hairstyles
If youre trying to grow out your bangs
shower for the amount of hair
Mix a few drops of sandalwood oil
Eat enough protein
Never flat iron wet hair
Transform ordinary shampoo into an herbal
Use one part apple cider vinegar
vitamin levels checked and take supplements
Bathe your hair in botanical oils
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