Instant Radiance Give in to gravity
Forever Young Naturally Beauty
Instant Radiance Give in to gravity
Lie on your front, legs wider than hip-width apart with toes pointing outward, head resting on your hands or turned to one side. Close your eyes and relax completely toward the ground. Let your pelvis, shoulders, and heels sink and your breastbone slump. Feel the skin on your face loosen, giving in to gravity. After three minutes or so, roll onto your back. Again feel the heaviness of your pelvis and shoulders. Let the weight of your head sink toward the floor. Let your skin be expressionless and heavy, molding to the relaxed skeleton beneath it. Feel as if your pores are open, your skin receptive and clear. When you get up, try to retain this sense of clarity and freedom from set expressions.
Organic Beauty Moon nurtured
Natural Haircare Basics Eat your hair fitter
Daily Facial Care Warm cloths
Natural Haircare Basics Avoid harsh shampoos
Lip Treatments Off the shelf lip balms
Daily Facial Care Maintain a light touch
Natural Pedicure Try the yoga “legs up the wall” pose
Organic Shampooing Vinegar restorer
Deep Cleansing Rose scented rinse
Instant Radiance Check your expression
Conditioning Treatment Intense conditioner
Give Yourself Floral vein toner
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