Eternal Style Pick your palette
Forever Young Naturally Beauty
Eternal Style Pick your palette
In daylight, stand in front of a mirror and hold your favorite garments to your face. Do the colors still suit you? If hair and skin have faded a little, you might need to adapt your palette. Rich tones might suit better than washedout pastels; chocolate or charcoal can be kinder than black; green tones play down flushed cheeks; and creamy tones near the face reflect illuminating light upward.
Natural Pedicure Aching foot bath
Holistic Hair Coloring Choosing shades
Natural Bathing Sandalwood meditation
Antiaging Skin Basics Necessary fats
Daily Facial Care Milk tonic
Nontoxic Manicure Energizing hand massage
Organic Shampooing Off the shelf products
Antiaging Skin Basics Moisturize while damp
Give Yourself Concealer trick
Instant Radiance Yoga inversions for instant glow
Superstar Ingredients Invest in the best
Nontoxic Manicure Off the shelf care
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