fashion trends that didnt survive the 90s

Fashion Trends That Didnt Survive the 90s

Fashion Trends That Didnt Survive the 90s
1. Scrunchies
Whether neon colored, fluffy, or sparkly, scrunchies served many girls style and function needs. They could be worn in the hair or around the wrist for fashionable flair.
2. Rice Necklaces
Nothing was more romantic back in the day than a declaration of love written on a tiny grain of rice. It was enough to make even the most cynical girl swoon.
3. Turtlenecks
Although the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles probably appreciated this trend, turtlenecks are best left for cold weather nowadays.
4. Reebok Pumps
These expensive sneakers became a status symbol on urban basketball courts and in school hallways. And as the first shoes with an internal inflation mechanism, they always provided a comfy fit.
5. Pagers on Pants
Unless you re in the medical profession, you d better leave your pager at home these days if you don t want to commit a fashion faux pas That is, if you even own a pager.
6. Bowl cuts
Every 90s heartthrob had one thing in common a super flattering bowl cut. From music megastars Nick and Aaron Carter to onscreen idol Jonathan Taylor Thomas, hot guys everywhere sported this ghastly haircut inspired by a common kitchen item.
7. Overalls
Old McDonald had a farm, but what was N Sync s excuse? Overalls were cool, but wearing them with only one strap buckled was the bomb.
8. Blossom Hats
Nothing attracts attention like a bucket hat with a giant flower attached to it. Thanks to quirky 90s TV character Blossom Russo, girls started wearing these outrageous headpieces with pride.
9. Schoolgirl Skirts
Britney Spears made uniforms sexy when she burst onto the scene in her Baby One More Time music video, much to the delight of Catholic schoolgirls everywhere.
10. Lisa Frank Pencils
Unicorns and butterflies and puppies Oh my! Every true 90s girl owned a few Lisa Frank school supplies. The more you had, the higher you ranked in the social hierarchy of elementary school.