1. Whether neon colored, fluffy, or sparkly, scrunchies served many girls style and function needs. They could be worn in the hair or around the wrist for fashionable flair. .....

Rice Necklaces
2. Nothing was more romantic back in the day than a declaration of love written on a tiny grain of rice. It was enough to make even the most cynical girl swoon. .....

3. Although the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles probably appreciated this trend, turtlenecks are best left for cold weather nowadays. .....

Reebok Pumps
4. These expensive sneakers became a status symbol on urban basketball courts and in school hallways. And as the first shoes with an internal inflation mechanism, they always provided a comfy fit. .....

Pagers on Pants
5. Unless you re in the medical profession, you d better leave your pager at home these days if you don t want to commit a fashion faux pas That is, if you even own a pager. .....

Bowl cuts
6. Every 90s heartthrob had one thing in common a super flattering bowl cut. From music megastars Nick and Aaron Carter to onscreen idol Jonathan Taylor Thomas, hot guys everywhere sported this ghastly haircut inspired by a common kitchen item. .....

7. Old McDonald had a farm, but what was N Sync s excuse? Overalls were cool, but wearing them with only one strap buckled was the bomb. .....

Blossom Hats
8. Nothing attracts attention like a bucket hat with a giant flower attached to it. Thanks to quirky 90s TV character Blossom Russo, girls started wearing these outrageous headpieces with pride. .....

Schoolgirl Skirts
9. Britney Spears made uniforms sexy when she burst onto the scene in her Baby One More Time music video, much to the delight of Catholic schoolgirls everywhere. .....

Lisa Frank Pencils
10. Unicorns and butterflies and puppies Oh my! Every true 90s girl owned a few Lisa Frank school supplies. The more you had, the higher you ranked in the social hierarchy of elementary school. .....

Babydoll Dresses
11. Inspired by the nave yet loveable star of the film Clueless, adolescent girls everywhere began donning these youthful dresses. They could be paired with Doc Martens for a trendier look. .....

Tiny All Over the Head Buns
12. Its cousins the ballet bun and the messy bun may still be in vogue, but the tiny buns that engulfed the heads of celebs like Gwen Stefani are certainly not. .....

13. In the battle between Airwalks and Vans, the latter emerged victorious while Airwalks faded into obscurity, leaving many skater boys to mourn the loss of their favorite brand. .....

Brown Lipstick
14. Edgy girls everywhere expressed their angst on the outside by sporting brown lipstick. Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore, and Jennifer Aniston could all be spotted wearing this deep shade during the 90s. .....

The Rachel
15. Hoping to look like their favorite Friend , fashion forward gals everywhere swarmed to their salons. The infamous haircut only went out of style when women began to realize its choppy layers and interesting highlights flattered very few face shapes. .....

Mood Rings
16. They almost never accurately predicted your mood, but these rings were all the rage back in the day. .....

Stirrup Pants
17. You might want to hold your horses before buying a pair of these pants. They may be fine for jockeys, but they serve no purpose for anyone else. .....

Discman Headphones
18. Although we ve since graduated to bigger and better headphones (think Beats), all the cool 90s kids wore these around their necks when they weren t listening to their favorite jams. .....

19. What do you get when you cross a skirt with shorts? A skort! Fortunately, the unattractive offspring of skirts and shorts are rarely seen off the tennis courts today. At least they were good for keeping elementary school perverts from looking up your skirt on the monkey bars. .....

Butterfly Hairclips
20. Sarah Michelle Gellar took on much tamer creatures before battling vampires. Butterfly hairclips were once all the rage among party girls or anyone who wanted to add a feminine touch to their outfit. Now they look ridiculous on anyone over the age of 10. .....

Doc Martens
21. Doc Martens were just right for adding a bold touch to a girly baby doll dress or enhancing the cool factor of then popular tapered jeans. Every badass owned a pair even cartoon character Daria Morgendorffer. .....

Flannel Shirts
22. What did lumberjacks and 90s kids have in common? They both wore flannel shirts. Often worn over graphic tees, flannel shirts became synonymous with the grunge movement. .....

23. Ah, CK1. One whiff of this fragrance will forever stir memories of the raging hormones and horrible dance moves of proms past. .....

Slap Bracelets
24. Violence and fun formed an unlikely alliance in this childhood fad. Slap bracelets came in every color of the rainbow and fit wrists of all sizes, but they also caused their fair share of injuries. .....

Gelled Curls on Men
25. When your hairstyle resembles a college diet staple, you know it s time for a new look. Nothing about these curls was attractive, especially when they were bleached to resemble dry ramen noodles. Justin Timberlake will never live this down. .....

26. Each and every outfit in the 90s seemed to circumvent around plaid. Thankfully, the crosshatched pattern is found in more than just men s flannel shirts cute dresses, long tunic tops and winter outwear all exclaim its multi colored vibrancy in a decade definitely more look at me that stop looking at me. Eternally proud for private schools and trendy enough for those too young to remember its dowdy and depressing place in history. .....

Torn Jeans
27. Jeans go through various incarnations with every fashion season faded, dark wash, skinny, cargo, deconstructed .....

Red Lipstick
28. Resurfaced by many a modern vixen in her era and most popularly with Gwen Stefani during the 90s a pair of red lips is a bold fashion movement in itself. With pin up irreverence, somehow dressing up our lips negated the lack of effort in the rest of our wardrobe selection. And much like the revolving door of fashion trends passed, red lipstick has a style that appears timeless, but makes a comeback every 10 15 years. .....

Floral Dresses
29. Baby doll fitted and created in varying hem lengths, a floral pattern was the perfect pairing to your clunky Doc Martens (and ripped tights and Blossom hat). I m not sure how we ever got a date. While designers have vamped up our floral friend from the 90s, you should certainly have some luck at a vintage or thrift store for the real deal. I mean, it s only been 15 years. .....

Slouchy Sweaters
30. The 90s were well known for its shapeless couture slouchy sweaters being on several top lists for women of all stature and sizes. Too long sleeves, heavy knitted fabrics, tight necklines and oftentimes, an irregular, oblong hem, these large tops are back and bigger than ever. And if it s too big, then put a belt around it! Also seen: horrid, Christmasy, ski slope esque patterns. I m looking at you, Victoria s Secret catalog. .....

Hypercolor T shirts
31. Some fads can last a good 15 minutes before everyone looks at each other and collectively shouts, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE WEARING?!? (This happened in the 80 s with acid wash jeans and in the 70 s with every piece of clothing sold.) Such was the case with Hypercolor T shirts, which were seemingly invented to identify groping victims. Each shirt was made from temperature sensitive fabric that would change colors whenever you or someone else touched .....

32. Pogs didn t start out as collectibles but rather as the little cardboard discs inside juice caps. (Just like baseball cards started out as a way to promote cigarettes and Pet Rocks started out as a way to slowly get rid of mountains.) Then companies started selling those discs without the cap or even juice. (Just like Frisbees were originally sold as cake pans without the cake and Boomerangs as coat hangers without having to hurl a three piece su .....

33. What if Skynet from the Terminator films had brought toys instead of machines to life? Well, that s essentially the Furby, a plaything that appeared a foot closer to you every time you blinked until it was on you with a kitchen knife. What made the Furby truly terrifying was not only its ability to learn and adapt but that it could communicate with other Furbies, allowing you to watch a violent revolution slowly come together on your own bedroo .....

Moon Shoes
34. There came a point when Nickelodeon realized that if they just run an ad enough times something would snap inside pre teens and they would hurl themselves off a cliff into a gasoline truck if they didn t get a certain toy. Such was the case with Moon Shoes, a product whose commercial ran so often it would seemingly interrupt itself with its own ad. But being told you want something and actually enjoying that something are two very different thing .....

Skip It
35. Combining the unbridled joy of an at home gym class with the festive accessorizing of an all too chipper chain gang, Skip It taught kids everywhere that having fun was as easy as counting to a thousand while jumping in place for six straight hours without food or social contact. Praised by parents for encouraging kids to stop watching TV and exercise (after those very kids had seen the commercial for it on Nickelodeon so many times they held thei .....

Eight Ball Jacket
36. You got a question? You ask the eight ball. So said Puddy on Seinfeld and so I ask here: Why do some toy inspired clothing like a Magic 8 Ball jacket hit it big while no one will buy my Rubik s Cube pants in which you have to solve them before you can wear them because people say it will result in a generation of half naked, frustrated shut ins? Sometimes I just don t understand fashion. .....

Beanie Babies
37. But wait, you re saying. I just saw Beanie Babies in a store recently! Alas, what you actually saw are the last defiant but dying members of a once strong, once plentiful race of small stuffed animals that proudly went by such names as Legs the Frog, Flash the Dolphin, and Chocolate the Moose (all which sound like the nicknames of the most hilariously inept mobsters ever). As demand for the toy grew, various designs would be retired ( o .....

38. Yes, it was gloriously, disgustingly oozy, like some scientist had created a polymer entirely out of snot. And yes, it let you play your own version of Double Dare at home so long as by home you meant some other kid s house so my folks don t kill me. But perhaps the thing that truly designated Gak as the ultimate toy was the farting noise it made when you tried to shove it back into its container. So incredible was this one two punch of pla .....