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Snail Pacer

Cool Inventions


Snail Pacer

Ten year old Martin Witter watches two snails from histeam go through their rounds during a trial race in his home in Lynwood, Calif., Oct. 1, 1954. Martin has formed, what he claims to be, the only snail stable in the country. Every afternoon the snails are awakened for their trial runs by being placed in the sun. As the sunshine begins to penetrate their shells, the mollusks come to life. On top of the racing snail's shell, Martin has glued a tiny yoke made from a matchstick. The reins, made of string, are connected to a small simulated Roman chariot constructed from a fish food tin in which the snail driver sits. Speedy, in the harness and Butch, in theChariot recently beat a neighborhood entry establishing a new track record of 3 feet in 5 minutes.


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