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Bhathru Dwithiya

Bhai Dooj Celebration


Bhathru Dwithiya

Bhathru Dwithiya is also known popular name for Bhai Dooj, it falls on the fifth and last day of Diwali festival. Dwitheya Day meaning, second day after new moon. Sisters pray for their brothers long life.


Bhai Dooj Festival Hindu Ritual for Sister & Brother
Bhai Dooj Importance
Bhaiya Dooj Celebration In Maharashtra
Bhaiya Dooj Celebration In Nepal
Bhatri Ditya
Bhai Dooj Puja Mantra
Bhai Dooj Celebration
Bhai Tika or Bhai Teeka
Best Gifts for Brothers & Sisters
Bhaidooj Puja Thali Decoration
Bhai Dooj Legends
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