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Watermelon seeds contain lycopene

Benefits of Watermelons


Watermelon seeds contain lycopene

Watermelon seeds contain lycopene which is good for your face and also helps in improving male fertility. Almost half of the watermelon seed contains oil which comprises of 20 percent saturated fat and the rest monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat including omega-6 fatty acids. One cup of dried watermelon seeds contains around 50 grams of fat which constitutes about 80 percent of the daily recommended value. Thus, watermelon seeds are an important source of calories and energy.


Potential health risks of consuming watermelon
Watermelon can help improve sleep
Asthma prevention
Perfect fruit for skin problems
Nutritional Profile
Bladder problems
Good sources of magnesium
B Vitamins
Muscle soreness
Heart Care
How to incorporate more watermelon into your diet
Citrulline Arginine and Nitric Oxide Related Benefits
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