Benefits of Turnips
Turnips are rich in magnesium, phosphor and calcium. These vegetables are also rich in minerals and vitamins, especially folate. Turnips are also a good source of iron, calcium and riboflavin. These veggies also contain a lot of lutein, which can prevent cardiovascular diseases and cataracts. Turnips must be included in the diet for smokers. This helps smokers make their body healthier and also reduces the side effects of smoking. Smoking causes diminishing quantities of vitamin A in the body, eating turnips can replace the lost vitamin A for the body. Regular intake of turnips is also known to reduce the decline of cognitive functions. People with problems associated with thyroid gland and kidney stones must avoid the intake of turnips. Turnips are also used externally as poultices for swollen joints, boils, abscesses and chilblains. Turnip packs are also used over the chest to relive bronchial disorders, while packs over the throat are known to relieve sore throat.