Benefits of Thyme
61. Cicatrisant
This is a tremendous property of thyme essential oil. This property makes scars and other ugly spots on your body vanish. These include the surgical marks, marks left by accidental injuries, acne, pox, measles, and sores.
62. Diuretic
It increases urination and helps in the removal of excess water, salts and toxins from the body. This helps reduce weight, lower blood pressure, reduce fats and improve digestion as well.
63. Emenagogue
Women should be very interested in this property of thyme essential oil. Women are always searching for something that can give them relief from obstructed and painful menstruation, irregular periods and premature menopause.
64. Expectorant
When you are suffering from colds and coughs, you need to find an expectorant. Thyme essential oil is a great one!
65. Insecticide
?It can be effectively used to keep away parasites that feed on the human body like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, bed-bugs, and flies, as well as insects that attack food grains and clothes like beetles and moths.
66. Stimulant
It stimulates circulation, digestion, nervous responses and the secretion of hormones, thereby stimulating the whole metabolism.
67. Tonic
Thyme essential oil also tones up the circulatory system, heart, digestive system, nervous system, muscles, and skin while fortifying them and boosting immunity.
68. Vermifuge
Thyme essential oil kills worms. You can try it on intestinal worms like round worms and tape worms, as well as maggots in open sores and hook worms, which are notoriously difficult to eliminate.
69. A Few Words of Caution
It is an irritant to some people, as well as a hypertensive substance that increases blood pressure. Therefore, it should be avoided during pregnancy and those with elevated blood pressure. It also may cause allergic reactions in some cases.
70. Blending
The essential oil of thyme blends well with the essential oils of Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary and Pine.