Benefits of Pumpkins
Pumpkin seeds should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. While they may stay edible for several months, they seem to lose their peak freshness after about one to two months. We recommend that you purchase certified organic raw pumpkin seeds and then light roast them yourself (see next section on how to do so). By purchasing organic, you will avoid unnecessary exposure to potential contaminants. By purchasing raw, you will be able to control the roasting time and temperature, and avoid unnecessary damage to helpful fats present in the seeds. At the same time, you will be able to bring out the full flavors of the pumpkin seeds through roasting.
Plant Based Omega 3 Fats
Boosts Immunity
excellent source of vitamin B
Aids Proper Functioning of Kidneyand Urinary System
Anti inflammatory effect
andBest Way to Consume Pumpkin Seeds
Good Sedative Benefits
Promotes Hair Regrowth
Relieves Morning Sickness
Tryptophan for Restful Sleep
Pumpkin Juice for Health
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