Benefits of Persimmon
31. Natural energizer
Persimmons are highly digestible fruits and also provide a lot of readily available energy (in the form of sugars) to sustain any energyrequiring activity. Thats why they are particularly recommended for children and people who practice sports or other physical activities.
32. Stress tiredness and fatigue
Due to their high content in sugars and potassium, persimmon juice can help reinforce the body with energy and relieve the symptoms of stress, fatigue and tiredness without the need to use special energetic and nutritional supplements.
33. Consumption Tips
If persimmons are ripe, lightly depress the fruit. If its hard, its not yet ripe, do not eat unless youre certain that youve got the nonastringent variety. Fully ripe persimmons are soft to the touch, very sweet and creamy that they can be eaten as they are. Simply cut them into two halves and eat the pulp with a spoon. They can also be used to prepare delicious sauces, creams, jams, jellies and smoothies.
34. Caution
Due to its high content in sugars, persimmon is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes, obesity or overweight. Dried persimmons have even higher sugar content because in its dried state, the sugars are more concentrated.
35. Carbs Protein and Fat
The persimmon is high in carbs and contains a negligible amount of fat and protein. A 3.5ounce portion has 33.5 grams of carbs, 0.4 grams of fat and 0.8 grams of protein. Carbs, fat and protein are all essential nutrients that play different roles in your body. Carbs are your bodys primary source of energy and are used to fuel physiological functions as well as physical activity. Fat helps you absorb fatsoluble vitamins and provides cushioning for your organs. Protein is used to make hormones and enzymes and repair tissue.
36. High in Vitamin C
One 3.5ounce persimmon contains 66 milligrams of vitamin C almost as much as an orange, and meets 110 percent of the daily value. Vitamin C is a watersoluble vitamin known for its antioxidant properties. As an antioxidant, vitamin C protects your cells against free radicals, which may in turn help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C is also needed to make collagen, which is the protein that helps heal your cuts.
37. Source of Iron and Calcium
The persimmon is also a source of iron and calcium. One 3.5ounce persimmon contains 2.5 milligrams of iron, meeting 14 percent of the daily value. Iron is an essential mineral that helps carry oxygen throughout your body. The same serving of persimmon also contains 27 milligrams of calcium, meeting 3 percent of the daily value. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is necessary for healthy bones and teeth.
38. Origin and Production
Persimmons are native to three areas, China, Japan and the United States, depending on the species. The Chinese variety spread all over Asia, from where it was introduced to the rest of the world. At the moment, almost the whole of the production of persimmons takes place in Asia, mainly in China, Korea and Japan. The Chinese variety arrived at Japan in the VIIIth century, where it became a highly appreciated fruit. From there it spread to the rest of the world, arriving at the United States in 1870. In Europe, the American kakis were the first to be introduced.
39. Availability
The persimmon is a delicate fruit that is usually commercialised in the producing areas. It is a fruit in season, that is only available during few months. For instance, in the United Kingdom market it is consumed from February to May. In this case, the produce comes from Chile. However, it is a very delicate fruit, so it is not usual to sell it outside the producing areas.
40. Packaging
Kakis are distributed in wood or cardboard boxes with alveoli containing between 2 and 6 units, or in baskets covered in transparent plastic with holes, so as to enable air circulation.The fruit is good in many valuable Bcomplex vitamins such as folic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamin...etc. These vitamins act as cofactors for numerous metabolic enzymatic functions in the body.
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