Benefits of Peas
11. Healthy for the environment
Peas work with bacteria in the soil to
12. Prevent constipation
The high fiber content in peas improves bowel health and peristalsis.Pea is a quick growing, annual herbaceous vine that requires trellis to support its growth. It flourishes well in welldrained, sandy soil supplemented with adequate moisture and cool weather conditions. Short stalked green pods appear during late winter or spring. The pods measure about 23 inches long, swollen or compressed, straight or slightly curved, filled with single row of 210 lightgreen, smooth edible seeds.
13. Healthy bones
Just one cup of peas contains 44% of your Vitamin K, which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. Its B vitamins also help to prevent osteoporosis. Snow peas or sugar snap peas are different species of peas wherein the whole immature green pod, including its outer peel eaten like a vegetable.
14. Reduces bad cholesterol
The niacin in peas helps reduce the production of triglycerides and VLDL (very lowdensity lipoprotein), which results in in less bad cholesterol, increased HDL (
15. Antioxidant and AntiInflammatory Benefits
If you have traditionally thought about green peas as a starchy vegetable that cannot provide you with very much in the way of phytonutrients or body systems support, its time that you change your thinking. Green peas are loaded with antioxidants and antiinflammatory nutrients, and these healthsupportive nutrients are provided in a wide range of nutrient categories. For example, in the flavonoid category, green peas provide us with the antioxidants catechin and epicatechin. In the carotenoid category, they offer alphacarotene and betacarotene. Their phenolic acids include ferulic and caffeic acid. Their polyphenols include coumestrol. Pisumsaponins I and II and pisomosides A and B are antiinflammatory phytonutrients found almost exclusively in peas. Antioxidant vitamins provided by green peas include vitamin C and vitamin E, and a good amount of the antioxidant mineral zinc is also found in this amazing food.
16. Support for Blood Sugar Regulation
As mentioned in the previous section, blood sugar regulation has been an area of special interest with respect to green peas and its fellow legumes. Few foods provide us with such substantial amounts of protein or fiber (about 810 grams per cup for each of these macronutrients) as green peas. These outstanding fiber and protein amounts directly regulate the pace at which we digest our food. By helping to regulate the pace of digestion, protein and fiber also help regulate the break down of starches into sugars and the general passage of carbs through out digestive tract. With better regulation of carbs, our blood sugar levels can stay steadier.
17. Heart Health Promotion
An area we expected to find welldocumented health benefits from green peas is the area of cardiovascular disease. While we did not find specific research documentation in this area, we are confident that future research will confirm key health benefits from green peas in relationship to cardiovascular protection. Our reasoning here is simple. First, we know that strong antioxidant and antiinflammatory protection is needed for healthy functioning of our blood vessels. The formation of plaque along our blood vessel walls starts with chronic, excessive oxidative stress and inflammation. Few foods are better equipped to provide us with antioxidant and antiinflammatory nutrients than green peas. Second, we know that intake of omega3 fat lowers our risk of cardiovascular problems
18. Reliable source of omega3
Green peas are a reliable source of omega3 fat in the form of alphalinolenic acid, or ALA. One cup of green peas provides us with ALA in an amount of approximately 30 milligrams. Third, we know that high levels of homocysteine raise our risk of cardiovascular disease, and that ample amounts of B vitamins are required to help keep our homocysteine levels in check. Green peas provide us with very good amounts of vitamin B1 and folate, and good amounts of vitamins B2, B3, and B6. The critical cardioprotective B vitamin, choline, is also provided by green peas in amounts of approximately 40 per cup. In combination, these nutrient features of green peas point to a likely standout role for this food in protection of our cardiovascular health.
19. Protection Against Stomach Cancer
Excessive inflammation and oxidative stress are risk factors not only for the development of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, but also for the development of cancers. A recent research study has begun to examine the benefits of green peas with respect to one particular type of cancer
20. How to Select
Frozen peas are better able to retain their color, texture, and flavor than canned peas. Recent research has confirmed that these important sensory characteristics of green peas are not affected by freezing over periods of 13 months. When purchasing fresh garden peas, look for ones whose pods are firm, velvety and smooth. Their color should be a lively medium green. Those whose green color is especially light or dark, or those that are yellow, whitish or are speckled with gray, should be avoided. Additionally, do not choose pods that are puffy, water soaked or have mildew residue. The pods should contain peas of sufficient number and size that there is not much empty room in the pod. You can tell this by gently shaking the pod and noticing whether there is a slight rattling sound. All varieties of fresh peas should be displayed in a refrigerated case since heat will hasten the conversion of their sugar content into starch.
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