benefits of peas

Benefits of Peas

71. Minerals
Cooked peas have more minerals than raw peas. A cup of cooked peas has 2.5 milligrams of iron, 62 milligrams of magnesium and 187 milligrams of phosphorus, compared to raw peas 2 milligrams of iron, 48 milligrams of magnesium and 157 milligrams of phosphorus. These minerals support your blood, muscle and bone health, as well as your nervous system. A cup of cooked or raw peas provides nearly 2 milligrams of zinc, an antioxidant mineral that promotes wound healing.
72. Good Source of Iron
Peas can also help you meet your iron needs. A 1/2cup serving contains 1.2 milligrams of iron. Most of the iron you consume can be found in hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body. Inadequate intakes of iron decreases oxygen delivery making you feel tired, decreasing your ability to concentrate and increasing your risk of infection. Iron needs vary depending on age and sex. Men and women over the age of 51 need 8 mg of iron a day, and women 19 to 50 need 18 milligrams a day. Women of childbearing age have higher needs than men and older women because of menstruation.