benefits of nectarine

Benefits of Nectarine

51. Aids in weight loss
The fruit has low caloric value as it contains 45 calories. In addition, nectarine does not have fat, which makes it ideal for people who desire to lose weight within the shortest time possible. Nectarines have small but healthy concentrations of other antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E and flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin and
52. Hasantioxidantproperties
Being a great source of antioxidants, consuming nectarine can also protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. It becomes easier to eradicate free radicals that come about due to direct exposure of UV rays from sunlight if you eat enough nectarines.
53. Prevent constipation
Nectarine contains pectin, a fiber that helps regulate blood cholesterol levels. On the other hand, the skin has insoluble fiber which prevents constipation. The total measured antioxidant strength (ORAC value) of 100 g raw nectarine fruit is 750 TE (Trolex equivalents).
54. Reduces cellular damage
Beta carotene has antioxidant properties that serve to protect the skin against certain cancers and other ailments. It also helps to reduce the cellular damage that follows when your body burns oxygen. Nectarines are similar to plums or peaches, but they are orange or orangered in color when ripe and have a smooth firm skin. They are slightly larger than plums, and about the same size as mature peaches.
55. A nectarine and pit
A nectarine is a variety of peach with smooth skin. With careful attention to detail, a new nectarine plant can be sprouted from the seed. It is easy to sprout a nectarine seed, and in three to five years, you should have a fruitbearing nectarine tree.
56. Tips & Warnings
Natural inhibitors in nectarine seeds will prevent it from sprouting unless they are deactivated. Exposing the nectarine seeds to cold temperatures will deactivate these natural inhibitors. In natural conditions, this necessary chilling period occurs during the winter months. Nectarine trees grow best in fertile soil that is well drained.
57. Nectarine is a smoothskinned peach
The nectarine is a smoothskinned peach. Experiments show that nectarines may grow from peach stones, and peaches from nectarine stones. Peach trees can produce nectarines by budvariation and nectarine trees also produce peaches, and the fruit so produced will come true to seed. Also, either peach or nectarine trees may produce a fruit half peach and half nectarine, and subsequently produce a true peach. The trees, leaves, and seeds of these fruits are indistinguishable.