benefits of mushroom

Benefits of Mushroom

91. Antiageing Benefits
Mushrooms possess antiageing properties. Kojic acid is often used in creams, lotions and serums as a remedy for signs of ageing such as liver spots, age spots, discoloration and uneven skin tone caused by photo damage. Mushrooms enhance the natural defenses of the skin and improve its appearance by making it healthy.
92. Skin Protection
Skin problems are mostly caused by inflammation and excessive free radical activity. Mushrooms contain antioxidants as well as compounds that have antiinflammatory properties. Topical use of these natural compounds promotes healing and fights inflammation. Mushroom extracts are often used in skin products for treating skin conditions like eczema, rosacea and acne.
93. Prevents Hair Loss
Anaemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Anaemia is caused due to thedeficiency of ironin the blood. Mushrooms are a good source of iron, can combat hair loss. Iron is a vital mineral as it is involved in the formation of red blood cells, thus strengthening your hair.
94. Benefits from pigment
Mushroom contains copper which is beneficial for your hair as it facilitates the absorption of iron from food. It is involved in the production of melanin, a pigment that imparts color to your hair. Mushrooms also contain high levels of iron. Copper and iron work together promoting healthy and strong hair.
95. Benefits from Selenium
Mushroom contains large quantities of selenium which is vital for healthy hair. This nutrient is a powerful antioxidant which rids the body of free radicals and strengthens the immune system. Selenium is mostly found in animal proteins and therefore, mushroom can be a good alternative for vegetarians to obtain this vital trace element. Selenium aids in hair growth as well as prevents dandruff.
96. Full of proteins
As mushrooms are full of proteins, fibers, enzymes, and low carbohydrates with zero cholesterol and fats, they can keep you safe from cholesterol by burning it after digestion. One study replaced red meat with white button cap mushrooms, approximately one cup per day, and found that those test subjects who ate mushrooms not only lost a significant amount of weight over a standard period of time, but they also decreased their waistline, and were better able to maintain their new weight, rather than ballooning back to the original weight as in most crash diets.
97. White Mushrooms
Buttons and Portobellos belong to this category which is also the most common type of mushrooms we eat. The special carbohydrates present in these mushrooms help to maintain sugar levels in the blood. These mushrooms help in losing weight and fight against prostate cancer.
98. Shiitake Mushrooms
These contain good flavour and are also meaty. Lentinan present in these mushrooms is a natural antitumour compound and thus help to fight against cancer. They have vitamin D in great quantity and fights against infections. They are also known to contain certain compounds which help proper functioning of the liver, pancreas and other endocrine glands, thereby promoting the formation of insulin and its proper regulation throughout the body. Diabetics often suffer from infections, particularly in their limbs, which tend to continue for long periods of time. The natural antibiotics in mushrooms can help protect diabetics from these painful and potentially lifethreatening conditions.
99. Maitake Mushrooms
They help to find abnormal cells and make them to selfdestroy. They suppress estrogens and thus help prevent breast cancer. This is exactly the combination that mushrooms offer to help in losing weight! Due to their nutrient density, they actually rank higher than most fruits and vegetables, and some researchers say that mushrooms are one of the rare foods that people can eat as often as possible, with no side effects.
100. Oysters
The presence of antioxidants in high quantity in these mushrooms help fight against HIV. Always trust sealed products from reputable companies or those which you have grown yourself under controlled conditions after buying their seeds (called spawns) from a trusted source. A single poisonous mushroom among others in a dish can threaten a large amount of peoples health, resulting in comas, severe poison symptoms, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, cramps, insanity. Many species can even be fatal if ingested. Always avoid eating discolored mushrooms or those which are different in color than the typically accepted color of their species.