benefits of mint leaf
. Mint is an aromatic herb that originated in Asia and the Mediterranean region. Nutritionally, mint is rich in many vitamins and minerals. It has also been used medicinally to aid digestion and as a healing compound. Although most people only use a small amount of herbs in cooking, nutritional benefits of mint and other herbs can add up.There are many varieties of mint, including the most popularpeppermint and spearmint. In general, the flavor of
Relieves indigestion
. Pudina is packed with antioxidants and phytonurients that do wonders for your stomach. The menthol present in pudina helps the enzymes necessary for digestion and helps the process along, by acting on the smooth muscles of the stomach. These muscles when activated work more efficiently relieving indigestion.It is also known to calm stomach cramps, help beat acidity and gets rid of flatulence. According to Ayurveda practitioners, it is also very b
Fights aches and pains
. A number of pain balms use mint extracts as the main ingredient in their products. That is because when the mint extract is used on an area that is hurting, it immediately provides a cooling effect that partially numbs the area. This helps in lessening the pain. Another method is to inhale the fumes of mint extract. This soothes the nerves and gives a calming feeling to the entire body. It indirectly soothes aches and pains as well as nausea asso
Gives you glowing and acne free skin
. Mint has a unique property that soothes and calms itchy and infected skin. It has potent anti- inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which work wonders on acne prone skin, and is often used in a number of cleansers, toners and in some lip balms as well. The strong antioxidants present in mint leaves leaves the skin with a natural glow and rehydrate dull and dry skin. Mint has a high content of salicylic acid which helps prevent pimples, bl
Helps fight oral infections
. Mint leaves are packed with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. That is why they are so great to for your oral health. It kills bacteria in the mouth preventing tooth decay, beats bad breath and keeps your tongue and teeth clean naturally. Just chew on a few leaves on mint regularly to keep dental diseases at bay.
Helps relieve cough and asthma
. Mint has a very strong odour which helps open up the airways and allows relaxed breathing. It is also an expectorant and helps the expulsion of phlegm, allowing the patient recover faster. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help relieve inflammation along the respiratory tract. If you are suffering from a cough, drop one drop of mint extract in warm water and inhale the fumes through the mouth and push out the steam through your
Helps relieve the pain associated with menstrual cramps
. Mint leaves purify the blood and have an anti-spasmodic effect on the soothe muscles of our body, it is a great remedy to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. It also relieves nausea associated with the condition. Just brew a hot cup of mint tea and sip it several times through the day. It will make you feel calmer and soother your uterus too.
Beats morning sickness in pregnant women
. Due to the effects it has on ones stomach, it is a great remedy for expectant mothers. It helps relieve the nausea related to morning sickness by activating the enzymes necessary for digestion. Eating a few leaves or smelling the crushed leaves of mint every morning is a great way for mothers-to-be to overcome this difficult period. A warning though, mothers should be careful not to have this after the baby is born as it is known to affect lactat
Boosts immunity
. Mint leaves are packed with nutrients such as calcium, phosphorous, vitamin C, D, E and small amounts of vitamin B complex. All these compounds put together improves the bodys immune system, keeping it safe from infections and inflammation.
Beats stress and depression
. In aromatherapy mint extract is used to beat stress and rejuvenate the mind. Breathing in the fumes of mint helps relax the body and calm the mind, freeing it of stress. It releases a small amount of serotonin in the brain that also helps beat depression. If you are feeling low, add a little mint leaves or mint extract to your bath water, or use mint extract on a vaporizer to get some relief.
Helps fight cancer
. Mint has a potent phytochemical that can prevent various types of cancers. Called perillyl alcohol, the phytonutrient has shown the capability of preventing skin cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer in animal studies. Its benefits in this particular area are still under the scanner when it comes to humans.
Anti inflammatory
. Mint leaves has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps soothe skin infections. Mint juice acts as an excellent skin cleanser.pudina has a very strong aroma, it gets to stimulate your brain functioning and helps cure nausea. Further, applying fresh mint leaves on the forehead relieves headache.
Fainting Headaches and Migraines
. If a person is weak and faints frequently, then make paste of mint leaves and wrap them in a thin silk or cotton cloth. Make them inhale the strong mint smell through this wrapped cloth. This should be done thrice a day, five minutes each time. It will cure frequent fainting and also clear headaches, migraines etc.
Stomach aches and indigestion
. Collect 30 fresh mint leaves, 3 black peppers, half table spoon of black salt, 1/4th tablespoon of fried cardamom (elaichi) seeds powder, 2 gms of tamarind paste (without seeds). Mix all these ingredients in a glass of water and cosume it thrice a day. This will clear all stomach and intestines related problems.
. Collect 5 gms of white layer subtstance found of leaves of Gigantic Swallow Wort (Madaar in Hindi, Jilledu in Telugu, Arka in Sanskrit, Vellai Erukku in Tamil) and mix it with 25 ml of mint leaves juice. Use them like ear drops (4 drops twice a day) and it will kill all germs in ear and give relief from earache.
Fear of Abortion
. If women have fear of abortion during pregnancy due to weakness or past experiences, they can use this method. Collect fresh mint leaves and dry them under shade. Make their fine powder and store in a glass bottle. Everyday 2 gms of this powder (thrice a day) through nostrils and it will protect your embryo.
Low menstrual bleeding
. Women who have this problem can make fresh mint juice (6 table spoons) twice a day and have it with or without sugar(choice for taste). This will regulate menstrual bleeding.
Bleeding mouth or nose
. Due to excess heat in body, few persons bleed through nose or gums.They should have fresh mint leaves juice (100 ml) mixed with with candy sugar.Depending on intensity of their problem, they can have this juice 2 or 3 times per day.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
. Mint leaves are widely used as a digestive aid. Peppermint leaf oil relaxes the muscular lining of the digestive tract, relieving cramps and gas and alleviating indigestion, according to naturopath Michael T. Murray, author of The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. A double-blind study published in the May 2010 issue of the journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences found that enteric-coated peppermint oil significantly reduced abdominal pain and im
. Mint may offer anticancer benefits by virtue of its peryllyl alcohol, one of its constituent compounds.The compound may also help prevent liver cancer, according to a study published in the August 2012 issue of the journal Current Cancer Drug Targets. Researchers theorize that this and similar compounds, including carotenoids and retinoids, may act by blocking the action of cancer-causing substances in the liver.
. Mint contains high levels of rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant that quenches free radicals and reduces allergy symptoms by inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. A study published in the 2004 issue of the journal Biofactors found that 50 milligrams of rosmarinic acid per day for 21 days reduced levels of allergy-related white blood cells, called eosinophils, and inflammatory molecules and decreased allergy symptoms significantly.
. Mint may increase the effectiveness of medications used for yeast infections, also known as candidiasis,mint extract showed a synergistic effect against several species of candida when used together with the antifungal drug metronidazole. Further studies are needed to confirm these preliminary studies. CoxHealth Medical Centers notes that while peppermint oil shows some effectiveness against candida in test tube studies, no clinical trials have b
. As with most herbs, mint is a low calorie, low-fat food, providing 48 calories and 0.6 grams of fat per 100 grams. Most of the calories are from carbohydrate sources, but mint does contain a small amount of protein as well. Mint also contributes 2 grams of dietary fiber, which is important for both intestinal and cardiovascular health. Nutrition experts recommend a daily intake of at least 25 grams of fiber per day.
. Mint is especially rich in carotenes and vitamin C. Carotenes are nutrients that give plants their characteristic colors and are antioxidant precursors to vitamin A. The best known carotene for human health is beta-carotene, which has been shown to be beneficial in certain conditions such as eye health and cardiovascular disease.
. Mint is also a good source of several essential minerals, including magnesium, copper, iron, potassium, and calcium.Iron is a very important mineral for healthy blood. One hundred grams of mint contains 15.6 milligrams of iron, almost meeting your daily need for the mineral. Iron absorption from mint is enhanced by its vitamin C content, making it a very good addition to a healthy diet.
Cooking with Mint
. Fresh mint provides excellent flavoring for many foods. Because the herb adds flavor without sodium, it is especially beneficial if you have cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure. Try adding chopped mint to sauces for lean, red meats or to boiled vegetables including peas, green beans or new potatoes. It is also terrific in a raw, fresh vegetable salad, particularly with cucumber and tomato. Use mint as a garnish for cool summer drinks an
Digestive System
. Mint leaves are healthy entrees. Why? Because mint condition capable of calming the stomach. The aroma of mint activates the saliva glands and the glands that produce digestive enzymes. As a result, our digestion become fluent. To get the properties of mint, pour warm water into the glass along with a few leaves of fresh mint. Take a few moments and enjoy mint tea to cope with stomach pain and indigestion.
Nausea and headaches
. A refreshing mint scent is a powerful medicine to treat nausea. Smell the aroma of mint oil or fresh mint leaves so nausea is reduced. When applied topically, headaches will also be reduced.
Respiratory disorders
. The aroma of fresh mint is very effective relief of respiratory congestion by opening up the nose, throat, and lungs. Mint can also help to overcome cough.
. Mint can help people with asthma because it can provide relaxation and help relieve breathing.
Skin care
. Mint juice is great when used as a face mask. In addition to the skin, infections, rashes, and acne can also be resolved. Mint can also cope with mosquito bites.
Oral health
. This is of course widely known benefits of mint leaves. Because the ability to override the germs and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, it's no wonder the mouth and breath we'll always fresh if routine use.
Relieves muscle pain
. You can also take advantage of the warm mint to freshen up your leg muscles. The trick, mix 1 cup sea salt, 1/3 cup olive oil, and 6 drops of peppermint essential oil. Rub in the foot a few moments then rinse. Sea salt will remove dead skin cells while menthol flavors will relieve muscle pain.
Nutrient Content of Mint leaves
. 70 calories, 0.94 g of fat and 8 g of dietary fiber. Mint is high in vitamins, with 28 percent of the recommended daily allowance for folate, 141 percent vitamin A, and 53 percent vitamin C. It is also high in minerals, with 24 percent of the recommended daily allowance for calcium, 36 percent copper, 63.5 percent iron, 20 percent magnesium, 51 percent manganese and 10 percent zinc.
Antioxidant Power
. One of the primary benefits of fresh mint is that it contains potent antioxidants. Peppermint, for example, has perillyl alcohol, which might stop the formation or spread of cancer, according to Michael T. Murray and Joseph E. Pizzorno, authors of The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. Peppermint also contains another antioxidant called rosmarinic acid, which can help prevent and treat certain allergies.
Digestive Benefits
. Eating fresh mint leaves might help promote digestion, according to Murray and Pizzorno. Mint, most notably peppermint, also acts as a carminative, which means it can help ease gas and its associated symptoms. Peppermint makes the flow of bile more efficient, which means that you digest your food more quickly, and it also helps relax the muscles in your digestive tract, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Fresh Mint In Your Diet
. Chop fresh mint leaves and scatter them over a tossed green or grilled chicken salad. The leaves will add trace amounts of nutrients as well as a bold flavor. Stir chopped mint into meatballs and serve the cooked meat on leafy greens with a drizzle of sesame or olive oil. Add chopped mint leaves to brewed iced tea or lemonade or stir them into fruit salad. If you want to use mint for nausea, talk to your doctor first, especially if you have gastr
Nausea and Headache
. The strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea. Even just the smell of mint oil or freshly crushed mint leaves or the use of any product with mint flavor, and your stomach issues will be alleviated. In fact, many people keep menthol oil or mint-flavored products with them at all time to avoid nausea. Balms with a mint base or basic mint oil, when rubbed on the forehead and nose, gives quick relief in case of he
Respiratory Disorders and Coughs
. The strong aroma of mint is very effective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi and lungs, which gives relief for respiratory disorders that often result from asthma and the common cold. As mint cools and soothes the throat, nose and other respiratory channels, it relieves the irritation which causes chronic coughing. This is the main reason why so many balms are based on mint. Unlike the inhalers that are based on aerosols, tho
Depression and Fatigue
. Mint is a natural stimulant, and the smell alone can be enough to charge your batteries and get your brain functioning on a high level again. If you are feeling sluggish, anxious, depressed, or simply exhausted, mint and its derivative essential oils can help. It can be ingested, applied topically in a salve form, or inhaled as a vapor, and all of those techniques can give you a much-needed boost! A popular way to get good results in an easy mann
Skin Care and Pimples
. While mint oil is a good antiseptic and anti-pruritic material, mint juice is an excellent skin cleanser. It soothes skin, and helps to cure infections and itchiness, as well as being a good way to reduce pimples, and it can even relieve some of the symptoms of acne. Its anti-pruritic properties can be used for treating insect bites like those of mosquitoes, honeybees, hornets, wasps, and gnats. The cooling sensation will relieve you of the irrit
Memory Loss
. Mint has on alertness, retention, and cognitive function. It found that people who frequently use chewing gum, whose major active ingredient is mint, had higher levels of memory retention and mental alertness than those who did not. The stimulant qualities of mint, once again, have shown yet another reason to pop that stick of gum in your mouth, or chew some leaves when you re feeling less than brilliant!
Weight Loss
. Aside from all the other health benefits of mint, it also can help in your efforts to lose weight in a healthy way! Mint is a stimulant, as we ve already mentioned, but it also stimulates the digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients from food and consume fat and turn it into usable energy. Therefore, by adding mint to your diet, you are increasing the amount of fat that is being consumed and put to use, rather than being stored and contributing to
Female Sterility
. There are mixed opinions regarding the role of mint in treating this condition. Some argue that prolonged use of menthol may cause sterility, reducing a woman s ability to conceive by interfering with the production of ova and killing these gametes. This is due to the germicidal and insecticidal properties of mint, which are beneficial for so many other health concerns. Other research has claimed that men who smoke menthol cigarettes are more lik
Breast Feeding
. For many women, breastfeeding is a beautiful part of raising a child, but it can seriously damage your breasts and nipples. Studies have shown that mint oil can reduce the nipple cracks and nipple pain that so often accompany breastfeeding.
Allergies and Hay Fever
. Season allergies and hay fever (also known as rhinitis) affect millions of people around the world at certain times of the year. Extracts from mint leaves have been shown to inhibit the release of histamines, which often spur on the severe nasal symptoms that are associated with hay fever and seasonal allergies.
Oral Care
. Improving the health of a person s mouth is a well known benefit of mint. Since it has germicidal qualities and quickly freshens breath, it adds to oral health by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth inside the mouth and by cleaning the tongue and teeth. This is why mint used to be rubbed directly on the teeth and gums to refresh the mouth and eliminate dangerous forms of growth. In modern times, for the same reason, mint is one of the most common
Mint Leaf Facial Recipe
. Have some mint leaves in the refrigerator that you need to use up before they go bad? For this recipe, all you need is some mint leaves, mungbean flour, and plain yogurt. If you don't have access to mungbean flour, oat flour will also work. In a medium bowl, mix four tablespoons of yogurt with two tablespoons of mungbean flour. Cut some mint leaves to a very fine texture and mix it into the bowl. Apply the mask to your face and let it sit for 15
Benefits of a Mint Leaf Mask
. Mint can help fight against dry skin, leaving it hydrated and vibrant. Use the mint-leaf facial mask recipe above or opt for a cream infused with mint or mint oil. Mint can help maintain the moisture in your skin, leaving it feeling soft.Acne affects people of all ages, but mint can help replace the moisture that is stripped away from frequent face washing and acne treatments. Use the mint-leaf face mask recipe or apply a dab of any mint-based to
Sweet Mint
. One of my favorite and most refreshing drinks is?Sweet Mint?water. Its very simple to make. A gallon of water, a bundle of Sweet Mint, add ice, and its ready.
Chocolate Mint
. There isnt anything that I can think of that Chocolate Mint doesn t make better. I add it chopped into chocolate cakes, chocolate cookies, chocolate ice cream, chocolate icing, chocolate mousse, chocolate puddings, chocolate sauce, hot chocolate .
Orange Mint
. Orange Mint to my orange juice at breakfast. Just add the orange mint to a glass, pile in some ice cubes, then pour in the juice for an instantly refreshing, nutritious wake-me-up drink to start the day.
. I like to use Peppermint to brighten a simple salad. I make the salad with thin strips of Peppermint, lettuce, a quick champagne vinaigrette, dash of salt, and a French baguette and done.
. Spearmint is the best choice for mojitos that can make any afternoon feel like Im on a vacation. All you have to do is bruise the mint leaves lightly with a mortar and pestle or with just your fingers before adding it into drinks.
workhorses of the garden
. Mint is one of those workhorses of the garden. Once you plant it, your hardest job is keeping it from overtaking everything else in the yard and figuring out what to do with it all.It grows easily in most of the country and robustly returns to zone 4 Minnesota gardens every spring, where it grows happily until fall frosts. It even comes in different flavors, such as chocolate mint and pineapple mint.
Mint can be grown in pots and planted
. Mint can be grown in pots and planted with other herbs. And according to legend this is a good herb for keeping ants away from doors and combating mice and fleas. Keep mint leaves near food, beds and wardrobes. Use it to freshen the house like an air freshener it brings the fresh smell of herbal fragrance into every room. It can be simmered in a pot of water with Rosemarie, and lemon grass to create a unique and lively potpourri.
. The mint varieties come in a number of good and useful flavors. There is one called Chocolate mint to be used in desserts, Spearmint for drinks, Peppermint for drinks & desserts and garden mint for general cooking Pineapple mint for salads & cooking.
Reduce the effects of tannin
. To reduce the effects of tannin and caffeine in your favorite tea use fresh mint, Spearmint, or Peppermint sprigs in your teapot with your favorite tea. Snap a few well sized leaves off, wash, and add to your teapot. Steep for 2-3 minutes. Longer for a more potent flavor.
. Mint is even a part of Greek mythology. According to the legend, Minthe originally was a nymph, and Pluto's lover. When his wife Persephone found out, in a fit of rage she turned Minthe into a lowly plant, to be trod upon. Pluto could not undo the spell, but softened the spell by giving her a sweet scent which would perfume the air when her leaves were stepped upon.
Growing mint
. Some of the most aggressive in all the plant world. If you plant it in the ground, the first year you wonder what all the fuss is about. The second year you find a few stray sprouts and by the third year it is climbing in the bedroom window. Mint will grow 20 feet under weedblock and come out the other side and with no water in mid summer. Mint spreads two ways, by runners and by seed. Those sprouts that shoot up from the broadcasted seed will p
Mint is a simple proposition
. It is keeping it from taking over the garden that takes work. Given medium rich, moist soil and shade to dappled sunlight, mint will thrive and soon form a lush, thick carpet. Keep it cut back, especially once it begins to bloom, otherwise it will become invasive. Since many of the varieties propagate from underground runners, you may have to just pull out wandering plants. Most mints thrive as house plants as well.
Harvesting mint
. When you cut Mint, cut all the way back to the ground. If you want to enjoy the many different colors of flowers, cut them off before the seed is ripe. Remember that when an herb is flowering it is not making lots of nice leaves to cook with. Shear your mint to the ground in the fall and it will emerge shining and ready for gourmand use in the spring.When harvesting mint leaves, cut back alternate plants so you always have small tender leaves ava
Pests and Diseases
. Caterpillars can usually be handpicked. They are repelled by wormwood spray or insect spray. Rust appears as bright orange markings on the foliage of herbs such as mint and chives. Destroy all affected foliage. Do not place diseased plants or foliage in the compost bin. If a mild commercial copper spray does not curb the disease, destroy the plants.
Medicinal purposes
. The health benefits of many herbs and essential oils. Studies have shown vast and consistent results that bear up the traditional use of such natural medicines. Researchers are ever searching for the cures for what ails us, and many drugs have their origins in ethnic medicinal practices. In fact, a quarter of all pharmaceuticals contain botanicals.Peppermint essential oil has been used to treat indigestion, headaches, colic, gingivitis, irritable
Consider the following
. The more we process foods, the more nutrients we take out and then need to replace by vitamin and mineral (and herbal!) supplements. Many refining processes send toxins in the air all around us that assault our immune system. Synthetics, likewise, can interfere with our immune systems. In other words, we are suffering from taking away essentials from resources to make products for some convenience . Some would say convenience is killing us.
On the other hand
. At work or at home mint rubbing is an excellent choice for spending quality time and for leaving worries and problems behind. Mint rubbing belongs to a larger group of time management techniques that includes gas burning, pulling the cats tail, cutting leaves to dogs, laying with the belly towards the sun and others. There seems to be a wide variety of such techniques that are being researched and practiced at present.
Popular in Vietnam
. Mint is also extremely popular in Vietnam, where it is nearly always enjoyed fresh. Aromatic leaves are served as a garnish to nearly every Vietnamese dish, at least in the South; the most popular herbs (besides some that are not available in the West) for this purpose are coriander, Vietnamese coriander, long coriander, basil and mint.
Mint Ice Cubes and Mint tea
. Freeze whole mint leaves in ice cubes for tea or lemonade.Mint tea to make peppermint tea, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.
Minty potatoes and Minty rice
. Mix chopped mint with butter for boiled new potatoes (or with parsley or dill) & Toss whole mint leaves in cooked rice before serving & you can also Put mint in water used to steam vegetables.
Minty Salad Dressing and Spice up your tuna
. Chop spearmint and mix with olive oil and use as a marinade for fresh tuna. Marinate 30 minutes, grill.Mint has numerous applications in the kitchen, being used all over the world as flavoring as well as key ingredients to foods and drinks. Peppermint sprigs can be added to drinks and fruit dishes as agarnish. It also makes a refreshing tea. Peppermint makes an excellent flavoring for ice cream, chocolates, and other deserts.
Mental Fatigue
. Mint is a stimulant similar to caffeine, but wont cause jitters. Try a drop at the back of the tongue. Too much at once can be overwhelming; try a SMALL drop first. Mint is also known for lifting the mood, bringing cheer. Also throughout history has been used in cases of hysteria and shock.
Tension Headaches
. 1-2 drops in carrier oil applied to temples when headache starts and once an hour after, if needed. Some people might find it more effective to apply a drop behind each ear, depending on the type and cause of headache. If the headache is related to digestives problems, also drink a glass ofwater with a drop of mint oil in it.
. Traditional therapy is to make a peppermint tea, but be cautious with infants because the strong menthol could possibly cause a choking reaction.Digestion problems Nausea Excess Gas reduce in One drop of essential oil in a glass of water, or on a sugar cube, taken orally.