benefits of mangosteen
. Mangosteen fruit scientifically known as Garcinia mangostana is a tropical evergreen tree, believed to have been originated in Indonesia and is widely available in several South East Asian regions like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam and also in some regions of Africa. The purple Mangosteen, acclaimed for its unique appearance and flavour is often revered as queen of the tropical fruits, especially in the orient.
. Mangosteen is a fruit that grows on an evergreen tree native to Indonesia. Unrelated to the mango despite its name, the mangosteen has a hard dark rind and tastes like a citrus fruit with the texture of a peach. It is popularly sold in juice form in the United States, often combined with the juice of other fruits. A traditional remedy in its native land, mangosteen is being studied for its health benefits.
How is it promoted for use
. Mangosteen is promoted to support microbiological balance, help the immune system, improve joint flexibility, and provide mental support. Some proponents claim that it can help diarrhea, infections, tuberculosis, and a host of other illnesses. In countries where the tree grows, various parts of the plant are used by native healers.
What does it involve
. Mangosteen is consumed as a juice or pur
What is the history behind it
. Parts of the mangosteen tree, including the fruit and bark, have been used in folk medicine in Asian countries for many years. In the mid 1800s, a compound in mangosteen, mangostin, was identified as a xanthone, a type of anti oxidant. Mangostin was found to have anti inflammatory effects in rats in the late 1970s. Today, mangosteen is sold in the United States mainly through a network marketing system, in which independent distributors, rather t
What is the evidence
. Mangosteen extracts have shown in laboratory tests that they can stop certain bacteria and fungi from growing. One laboratory study suggested that mangosteen extract inhibits the growth of acne causing bacteria. It has not been tested on people to determine whether it can help acne. In the laboratory, it also slowed the growth of certain cancer cells. A small study in rats suggested that the rind of the mangosteen may reduce the risk of cancer ce
. Mangosteen juice when ill report less severe symptoms and quicker recovery times. Part of the reason for this is because the high nutrient content is proven to boost immunity. In addition mangosteen juice is believed to directly treat certain types of viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
Traditional Asian Healing
. Centuries of Mangosteen use has helped Southeast Asians maintain or regain their health and cure their diseases. Traditional Asian healers use the fruit to stop infection, treat inflammation, and increase one s energy, among others.Modern scientists and a growing number of health practitioners now agree on the medical benefits of Mangosteen. They have found that the fruit is helpful in preventing and possibly even stopping a wide range of disease
Mangosteen Nutritional Value
. Mangosteen fruit is beneficial because of its high nutritional value. Besides having a delicious taste, it is a rich source of fibres and carbohydrates. It also has high contents of vitamin A and vitamin C as well as iron, calcium and potassium. This fruit is a moderate source of B complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins act as cofactors which help the body to metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Most importan
. Mangosteen contains a class of naturally occurring polyphenol compounds known as xanthones. There are two types of xanthones in this fruit
Low Calories
. This fruit is very low in calories (63 calories per 100 g) and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, it is rich in dietary fiber (100 g provides about 13% of RDA), which can be very important for individuals who are concerned about putting on excess body weight.
Vitamin C
. Mangosteens are rich in vitamin C and contains about 12% RDA per 100g. Being a powerful water soluble anti oxidant, vitamin C provides resistance against flu like infectious agents and scavenge harmful pro inflammatory free radicals. Therefore consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C is vital for developing resistance against diseases. Folate plays an important role in foetal development and evolution of new cells in the body. This particular vita
. Mangosteen aids in promoting red blood cells and prevents against anaemia. It improves the blood flow by causing dilation of blood vessels which helps to protect us against certain diseases like atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, heart congestion and severe chest pains. Mangosteen s vitamin C content is another advantage, providing the body with a water soluble (easily absorbed) antioxidant, while staving off infections and scavenging harmful, pr
Reduces Cholesterol
. Diet rich in mangosteen is helpful in reducing the level of cholesterol in human body. It also helps to control the level of triglycerides to take care of proper working of human heart. consume mangosteen in moderation because it contains fructose, which may be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.
. Mangosteen fruit contains strong antibacterial and antifungal properties besides being highly effective in boosting weak immune systems. Its inhibitory action against harmful bacteria is effective for patients suffering from tuberculosis. Mangosteen juice is very tasty thirst quenching cool drink to beat summer heat.
. The antioxidants found in mangosteen help to prevent cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. It is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, or
Blood Pressure
. Mangosteen also contains high amounts of of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium provides protection against strokes and coronary heart diseases as it is an important component of cell and body fluids and controls heart rate and blood pressure.
Anti inflammatory
. Mangosteen contains anti inflammatory properties which is highly beneficial for people who suffer from sciatica pains which cannot be controlled by drug treatment. Consuming mangosteen two to three times a day will help to relieve pain through its anti inflammatory and cox 2 inhibitor effects.
Alzheimer s
. One of the major health benefits of mangosteen is its effectiveness in treating Alzheimer s disease. This disease is accompanied by symptoms like confusion and perplexity and difficulty in remembering things. it also contains a very good amount of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids and helps control heart rate, and blood pressure; thus, it offers protection against stroke and
. Mangosteen has natural antibacterial properties and antimicrobial compounds, which are highly effective in treating many common skin problems. Acne, skin blemishes, oily skin and dry skin can be cured by the consumption of mangosteen.
Repairs cells
. Xanthone compounds present in this fruit s skin are the highest when compared to other fruits. These can cure skin diseases, repair the damaged cells in your body and protect them. One of the most effective natural ways to increase our overall health is by consuming more fruits and vegetables. There is a wealth of information online how consuming more fruits and vegetables benefit our well being.
Body weight
. Intake of mangosteen is a widely used orthodox method for losing weight. Mangosteen helps in the prevention of weight gain, by burning down fat. Xanthones included in the mangosteen peel help to aid weight loss. Mangosteen is now readily available in the supermarkets across the United States. While buying, look for fresh fruits that feel heavy in hand with firm green calyx at the stem end, and bright purple color skin as they indicate fresh arriv
Gum disease
. Mangosteen acts as a weapon to fight against the gum disease known as periodontitis. The gel of mangosteen helps to cure gum problems. the most mangosteen of any juice on the market, it also has the added health benefits of Acai Berries, Goji Berries, Gac, and Pomegranate; all in one great tasting juice! Take just one ounce once a day, everyday and feel your body get healthier! Give your body what it needs, protect your trillions of cells and st
. Mangosteen can be very useful in reducing premenstrual symptoms like dizziness, mood swings, hypertension, etc. In Malaysia, a mangosteen root decoction is consumed to regulate menstruation. ripe fruits should be placed in cool well ventilated place where they keep well for up to two weeks. For extended keeping quality store them inside the refrigerator.
Stomach disorders
. The mangosteen is widely cultivated. They use its leaves and barks for treating diarrhea, dysentery, treat thrush and urinary disorders. mangosteen leaves and bark, which was beneficial in bringing down body temperature and also to treat thrush, dysentery, diarrhea and urinary disorders. By the eighteenth and nineteenth century, mangosteen was introduced to other parts of the world, but this tree in thrived in very few regions, other than its nat
Anti Ageing
. Aging comes about due to oxidation. Mangosteen is filled with antioxidants such as catechin (the antioxidant found in green tea). This helps in fighting free radicals. Hence, start consuming mangosteen to look younger forever. Fresh mangosteens are wonderfully delicious. Enjoy this exotic juicy fruit all alone without any additions.
Boosts your energy
. This fruit can help you feel refreshed and energized all day long. Its nutrients will help you look more refreshed and youthful. It provides a boost of energy. One of the most important mangosteen health benefits is its effect on the cardiovascular system. It is believed to be effective in preventing diseases, like, arthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, kidney stones, cataract, glaucoma, Alzheimer s, neuralgia, and the li
Viral infections
. Xanthones present in mangosteen have the natural ability to attack fungal and viral infections. They even help to get rid of certain carcinogens from attacking your skin. Mangosteen is a powerful fruit that can help you in so many ways! It however is not the only super fruit that the Earth has provided us.
Xanthones in Mangosteen
. Our immune system tries to keep trillions of cells in our bodies protected from disease causing toxins, free radicals, viruses, bacteria, fungi and other harmful agents. At times, though, our immune system gets overwhelmed. Our bodies get sick, often because of free radical damage.
Mangosteen s Other Natural Compounds
. Mangosteen also contains other potent natural compounds like catechins, polysaccharides, quinones, stilbenes and polyphenols. Catechins were discovered to be five times more potent as antioxidants than vitamin C. Polysaccharides are highly potent anti cancer and anti bacterial plant compounds. They help block a mutated cell s ability to stick to healthy cells to help stop the spread of cancer, and are specially effective against intracellular bac
Mangosteen peel
. Mangosteen peel of the queen of all tropical fruits (Queen of The Tropic Fruits) can produce xanthone compounds, ie substances that are formed from the isolated skin of the mangosteen fruit. Levels reached 123.97 mg per ml. Xanthones have anti inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Xanthone compounds to counteract free radicals and prevent cell damage that hampered the process of cell degeneration. Especially today, we have many contaminated by c
Helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate
. Mangosteen fruit also contains high levels of magnesium. This may help control the electrical function of the heart, keeping the heart rate and blood pressure under control and promoting a regular heart beat. This is vitally important for people with minor symptoms concerning their circulatory systems.
Prevents inflammation
. Health benefits for people who suffer from a variety of diseases related to inflammation. Due to the fact that many respiratory issues are caused by inflammation within the passageways of the lungs, thus restricting an individual s ability to breathe normally, reducing that inflammation has the ability to open up the airways and allow normal breathing. Therefore, mangosteen fruit may help anyone who suffer from various breathing problems.
Improve digestion
. The fiber which naturally exists in the mangosteen fruit may help anyone who suffer from digestive problems to better regulate their digestive systems. This can result in increased health throughout their bodies, as many digestive issues negatively affect other areas of the body and may even serve as a springboard for other health issues to surface.
Treats acne minor cuts and various skin conditions
. The pulp of mangosteen will stop the bleeding and act like antiseptic if applied topically, luckily today there are mangosteen products available which is believed to help with some skin disorders like acne. mangosteen is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. These factors are said to be the reason for mangosteen health benefits. It is claimed that this fruit has been found to be effective in lowering the risk of various diseases, mainly due to the
Antihistamine properties
. These potential health benefits of mangosteen, this fruit may also help anyone who suffer from allergies. This is also largely due to the ability of the fruit to reduce inflammation. Mangosteen also acts as a natural antihistamine. Some individuals who suffer from certain diseases of the eyes are also unable to take allergy medications. Therefore, they are left to try to find solutions that work for them without making their existing health condi
Maintaining a healthy weight
. A natural and safe way to maintain a healthy weight can benefit a great deal from consuming the mangosteen fruit. Mangosteen is a low calorie fruit that is high in vitamins which aids in the metabolism. This means the potential for a leaner and more healthy body, as well as having more energy. The fruit also has a high fiber content. It s fiber content combined with the B complex vitamins that are contained in the fruit aid in maintaining a healt
Side effects
. The potential health benefits that may be offered by the mangosteen and the fact that few, if any side effects have ever been discovered, anyone who have yet to experience the benefits of the fruit may be doing themselves a favor by making this fruit a regular part of their diet.
. The xanthones and other antioxidants in mangosteen do provide a useful benefit. In the body, oxidation by peroxides and oxygen itself can create free radicals. These free radicals can then cause reactions that cause cellular damage. This kind of damage is associated with many human diseases, from stroke and neurological conditions to some types of cancer. Consuming antioxidants reduces the number of oxidation reactions, and helps to capture free
A part of the traditional medicine
. Mangosteen has been a part of the traditional medicine of various Asian countries for a very long time. Different parts of mangosteen fruit and plant were used in the treatment of various diseases and disorders. While the dried powder of mangosteen rind was used in the treatment of dysentery, its paste was used to treat eczema and some other skin disorders. A decoction made of mangosteen rind was used to treat diarrhea, whereas a decoction made o
. Mangosteens are available fresh during summer months. Completely matured, deep purple color fruits are picked up either by hand or hook and basket method as in mangoes without damaging them. Injury to outer skin results in percolation of bitter latex into the edible flesh, which makes the whole fruit bitter and inedible.
. Mangosteens are available fresh during summer months. Completely matured, deep purple color fruits are picked up either by hand or hook and basket method as in mangoes without damaging them. Injury to outer skin results in percolation of bitter latex into the edible flesh, which makes the whole fruit bitter and inedible.
Maintain intestinal health
. Mangosteens helps in relieve diarrhea, constipation, stimulate normal bowel health. it also contains a very good amount of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids and helps control heart rate, and blood pressure; thus, it offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases.
Help in skin condition
. Can be applied on the skin for eczema, fight against bacteria which causes most acne, assist in wound healing. Fresh fruit is a moderate source of B complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins are acting as cofactors the help body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
Help to combat infection
. Mangosteens helps in viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, fevers. Mangosteen is good in vitamin C and provides about 12% of RDA per 100 g. Vitamin C is a powerful water soluble anti oxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against flu like infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro inflammatory free radicals.
Decreaseblood sugar
. May decrease blood sugar in Type II diabetes by making insulin more effective. This fruit is very low in calories (63 calories per 100 g) and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, it is rich in dietary fiber (100 g provides about 13% of RDA), which can be very important for individuals who are concerned about putting on excess body weight.
Free radical damage
. Help to combat free radical damage that resulting in cell mutations (cancer and tumor growth). Delicious and juicy, mangosteen is one of the popular tropical fruits. It comprises an impressive list of essential nutrients, which are required for normal growth and development and overall nutritional well being.
Brain and nerve health
. Help to combat Parkinson, Alzheimer disease. Mangosteen plant is an evergreen, erect tree reaching about 20 60 ft in height. It commonly found in tropical rainforests of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines as well as in some cultivated lands in Sri Lanka, and India, where annual precipitation and relative humidity are favorable for its growth. Fresh purple fruits are available in the markets from June until October.
Depression and anxiety
. Mangosteens helps in Relieve depression and anxiety. Mangosteen provides powerful support for every organ system in the human body. This fact is being confirmed on a daily basis by clinical experience... I am convinced that Mangosteen will, without a doubt, be the most successful food supplement ever.
Vision health
. Help in vision health
Support immune system
. Help to combat allergies (anti histamine), support immune system. , mangosteen juice is becoming a popular
Reducing Inflammation
. Mangosteen juice to see if it could lower signs of inflammation in obese volunteers. An article in Nutrition Journal reported that volunteers who drank mangosteen juice twice daily showed a significant reduction in inflammatory markers in their bloodstream, while markers for inflammation in a control group that received a different juice concoction didn t change. The authors cautioned that more studies are necessary to confirm the benefits of
Digestive Health
. Mangosteen juice is linked to improvements in digestive health. Studies show that people who drink this juice and suffer from a variety of digestive problems have experienced relief from symptoms. Mangosteen juice is especially effective in treating diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
Psychological Benefits
. The physical benefits associated with drinking mangosteen juice, there are many noted psychological benefits. Mangosteen juice has been shown to provide relief from a large number of psychological issues including depression and anxiety. There is also evidence that it provides some relief for more serious conditions such as dementia.
Benefits of mangosteen juice
. The capacity of mangosteen juice to work wonders is still up for debate, but preliminary research showed that drinking mangosteen fruit juice has no negative side effect. Therefore, if you want to give it a try, then it will not be harmful for you. Further studies and time will prove whether mangosteen can stand its claims or not. However, for now, many people who have taken it regularly are happy with the influences that it offers.
Uses for Mangosteen
. mangosteen rind has been used for medicinal purposes for generations. According to folklore, mangosteen rind was used to make a tea for such conditions asdiarrhea, bladder infections and gonorrhea. An ointment made from the rind was applied to skin rashes.
Popularity of Mangosteen
. Mangosteen was virtually unknown in North America until a Utah based network marketing start up introduced a mangosteen drink called XanGo in late 2002. XanGo is sold around the world through a network of independent distributors and many new mangosteen products have entered the market.
. Research indicates that xanthones may interfere with normal blood clotting. It s not known whether mangosteen xanthones may interact with blood thinning medication such as warfarin and possibly lead to bleeding. Mangosteen is used for many conditions, but so far, there isn t enough scientific evidence to determine whether or not it is effective for any of them.
Used for treating dysentery
. Dried powder of the mangosteen rind is used for treating dysentery, its paste is a home remedy for eczema and other skin disorders. A decoction of the rind is used to treat diarrhea, whereas a decoction made with the roots is used for regulating menstruation.
The Fruit
. The mangosteen fruit is consumed fresh and can be processed into jams, preserves, and candies. It is an important seasonal fruit consumed throughout South and East Asia and regarded by many as one of the best flavored in the world. In China, the fruit rind is used for tanning leather because it contains 7 to 14% catechin tannin and rosin. It also yields a black dye.
The Wood
. The wood from the mangosteen tree is dark brown, heavy, almost sinks in water, and is moderately durable. It has been used to make handles for spears, rice pounders, and used in construction and cabinetwork. In Ghana, the Mangosteen twigs are used as chew sticks.
Balances the endocrine system
. Mangosteen can help balances the endocrine system . Dried powder of the mangosteen rind is used for treating dysentery, its paste is a home remedy for eczema and other skin disorders. decoction of the rind is used to treat diarrhea, whereas a decoction made with the roots is used for regulating menstruation.
Heal nerve damage
. Mangosteen can help heal nerve damage. Studies show that mangosteens are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It is claimed that this fruit has been found effective in lowering the risk of various diseases, mainly due to the presence of antioxidants. The most prominent antioxidant in mangosteen is xanthone. There are two types of xanthones in this fruit alpha mangostin and gamma mangostin.
Maintains optimal thyroid function
. Help in maintains optimal thyroid function. This fruit is said to be beneficial for the cardiovascular system. It is believed to be effective in preventing diseases, like arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, kidney stones, cataract, glaucoma, Alzheimer s disease, neuralgia, etc. Mangosteens may prove beneficial for treating depression, aging, obesity, allergies, ulcers, fever, and pain.
Helps prevent arteriosclerosis
. Its also helps prevent arteriosclerosis . Mangosteen soap has already proven that it has natural antibacterial and antimicrobial compounds that are highly effective at eliminating many common skin problems. Acne, mild skin blemishes, oily skin and dry skin all respond positively when Mangosteen skin care products are added to normal skin care routines.
Natural sleep aids
. Mangosteen also helps in natural sleep aids. The flavor of a mangosteen is unique and delicate. It can be described as sweetness, laced with a slight sourness. By the eighteenth and nineteenth century, mangosteen was introduced to other parts of the world, but this tree thrived only in a few regions, other than its native place. This fruit is sometimes referred to as the queen of fruits, due to its high nutritional value.
Reduce the toothache
. Its reduce the toothache. the fruit is named mangosteen, it has nothing to do with mangoes. It is the fruit of evergreen mangosteen trees, which are natives to the southeast Asian countries. The fruits of purple mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) of the genus Garcinia, turn reddish purple, when ripe. These fruits, which are almost round in shape, are slightly smaller than tennis balls. The rind of this fruit is bitter and so, is not edible.
Help reduce the migrants
. Its also help reduce the migrants . The dried rind is powdered and administered to overcome dysentery. As an ointment, it is applied on eczema and other skin disorders. The rind decoction is used to relieve cystitis, gonorrhea and gleets and is applied externally as an astringent lotion. When the rind is steeped in water overnight, the infusion is given as a remedy for chronic diarrhea in adults and children.
Relieve sprains muscle and joint tension
. Help in relieve sprains, muscle and joint tension. Mangosteen skin care products including Mangosteen soap are made from a plant that grows in southern Asia. The plant produces a small, round fruit that is harvested twice each year. The exterior purple covering of this fruit is the part that contains the healthiest supplements and this is the part that is harvested for use in Mangosteen soap and other Mangosteen skin care products.
Relieve urinary difficulties
. Help to relieve urinary difficulties. Mangosteen skin problems almost seem to disappear overnight. Imagine not having to torture your fragile, facial skin with any more injections, chemical peels and dermabrasion sessions. All you will have to do is apply soothing Mangosteen skin products to your face and body and let Mother Nature unleash her magic spell of rejuvenation and beauty.
. The mangosteen is ultra tropical. It cannot tolerate temperatures below 40
. The tree is not adapted to limestone and does best in deep, rich organic soil, especially sandy loam or laterite. In India, the most productive specimens are on clay containing much coarse material and a little silt. Sandy alluvial soils are unsuitable and sand low in humus contributes to low yields. The tree needs good drainage and the water table ought to be about 6 ft (1.8 m) below ground level. However, in the Canal Zone, productive mangostee
. The fruit from seedling trees is fairly uniform; only one distinct variation is known and that is in the Sulu Islands. The fruit is larger, the rind thicker than normal, and the flesh more acid; the flavor more pronounced. In North Borneo, a seemingly wild form has only 4 carpels, each containing a fully developed seed, and this is probably not unique.
. Technically, the so called seeds are not true seeds but adventitious embryos, or hypocotyl tubercles, inasmuch as there has been no sexual fertilization. When growth begins, a shoot emerges from one end of the seed and a root from the other end. But this root is short lived and is replaced by roots which develop at the base of the shoot. The process of reproduction being vegetative, there is naturally little variation in the resulting trees and
. A spacing of 35 to 40 ft (10.7 12 m) is recommended. Planting is preferably done at the beginning of the rainy season. Pits 4 x 4 x 4 1/2 ft (1.2 x l.2 x l.3 m) are prepared at least 30 days in advance, enriched with organic matter and topsoil and left to weather. The young tree is put in place very carefully so as not to injure the root and given a heavy watering. Partial shading with palm fronds or by other means should be maintained for 3 to 5
Season and Harvesting
. Cropping is irregular and the yield varies from tree to tree and from season to season. The first crop may be 200 to 300 fruits. Average yield of a full grown tree is about 500 fruits. The yield steadily increases up to the 30th year of bearing when crops of 1,000 to 2,000 fruits may be obtained. In Madras, individual trees between the ages of 20 and 45 years have borne 2,000 to 3,000 fruits. Productivity gradually declines thereafter, though the
Keeping Quality
. Ripe mangosteens keep well for 3 to 4 weeks in storage at 40
Pests and Diseases
. Few pests have been reported. A leaf eating caterpillar in India may perhaps be the same as that which attacks new shoots in the Philippines and which has been identified as Orgyra sp. of the tussock moth family, Lymantridae. A small ant, Myrnelachista ramulorum, in Puerto Rico, colonizes the tree, tunnels into the trunk and branches, and damages the new growth. Mites sometimes deface the fruits with small bites and scratches. Fully ripe fruits a
Food Uses
. To select the best table fruits, choose those with the highest number of stigma lobes at the apex, for these have the highest number of fleshy segments and accordingly the fewest seeds. The numbers always correspond. Mangosteens are usually eaten fresh as dessert. One need only hold the fruit with the stem end downward, take a sharp knife and cut around the middle completely through the rind, and lift off the top half, which leaves the fleshy seg
Medicinal Uses
. Dried fruits are shipped from Singapore to Calcutta and to China for medicinal use. The sliced and dried rind is powdered and administered to overcome dysentery. Made into an ointment, it is applied on eczema and other skin disorders. The rind decoction is taken to relieve diarrhea and cystitis, gonorrhea and gleet and is applied externally as an astringent lotion. A portion of the rind is steeped in water overnight and the infusion given as a re