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Protect from Cancer

Benefits of Jackfruits


Protect from Cancer

Jackfruit is a rich source of antioxidants, phytonutrients andflavonoidthat make it highly beneficial to protect from cancer.Jackfruitcontains high amount of antioxidants which protects from oxygen free radicals. Free radicals are produced due to oxidative stress. These free radicalsdamagesDNA of the cell and turns the normal cell into a cancer cell. But antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and acts as a shield to protect DNA from free radicals.Jackfruitprotects from colon, lung and oral cavity cancer.


Strengthens the immune system
Jackfruit how to eat
Jackfruit how to prepare
Skin Health and Ageing
Boost Energy
High Levels of Potassium
Improves sperm count
Jackfruit allergy symptoms
Aids in blood clotting
Jackfruit oil
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