benefits of garlic

Benefits of Garlic

41. As Treatment for Acne
It has blood cleansing and antibiotic properties that can be effective against acne and other skin ailments. Some people say that you can get rid of persistent pimples by rubbing raw garlic cloves on your face.
42. As Mosquito Repellent
The notion that vampires are afraid of garlic may have come from the fact that mosquitoes are repelled by garlic.
43. As Protection for Your Pets
Garlic not only repels mosquitoes, but it also repels ticks, fleas and other parasites. Some brands of pet food contain dehydrated garlic to repel parasites that feed on pets.
44. As Garden Pesticide
Many commercial pesticides are harmful to the environment. Garlic though is all-natural but it can be as effective as any of these commercial variants.
45. As Antibiotic
Crushed raw garlic is a powerful antibiotic that can kill strains of staph bacteria. Gently apply the garlic on the wound to prevent it from getting infected.
46. As Fish Bait
Use the marshmallows as bait, and toss them into the water. You can catch bass, trout, and other kinds of fish this way.
47. As Glue
Garlic glue can be made by rubbing garlic juices on paper or glass. Adhesives made of garlic have been used to repair glass in China.
48. As Cosmetics
You can also create homemade cosmetics from garlic. For example, you can concoct a face cleanser by mixing garlic and lemon extracts with water,
49. As Cough Syrup
Garlics antibacterial properties are so potent, it can even help treat your sore throat if you have the flu. It can also ease your cough and help you recover faster.
50. As Aphrodisiac
the potency of garlic as an aphrodisiac has been confirmed by Aristotle and ancient Indian writings.