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Individual Concerns

Benefits of Celery


Individual Concerns

Some health problems are related to a phenomenon called crossreactivity in which a person with environmental allergies also develops allergies to certain foods. In most of these cases, a small area on the surface of a food protein is exactly like a small area on a protein found in a plants pollen. If a persons immune system reacts to the pollen, it will react to the food as well. In the case of celery, researchers have identified a syndrome called birchmugwortcelery syndrome in which this exact type of cross reactivity occurs. (In technical terms, they have found that the Api g 1 epitope on some celery proteins is a homologue for the Bet v 1 epitope in birch pollen.) If you are a person with a known allergy to birch trees or mugwort, celery should definitely be excluded from your meal plan.


Provides Calcium
Reduces Asthma Symptoms
Fruit salad
Word of caution
Nutritional Profile
Lowering blood pressure
Digestive Tract Support
Individual Concerns
Celery reduces bad cholesterol
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