benefits of cassava

Benefits of Cassava

41. Are there any possible problems or complications
The cassava plant produces cyanide, a poison that can be deadly to humans, and cassava can be a serious health hazard if it is not processed properly. Some of the signs of cyanide poisoning are headache, dizziness, agitation, confusion, coma, and convulsions. Some people in developing countries have been poisoned by eating parts of the cassava plant that were not prepared properly.
42. Benefits of Cassava Root
Cassava root is a veritable storehouse of carbohydrates and it is the third largest carbohydrate source used for meals throughout the globe. This root can be used as a substitute for potatoes in cooking. Cassava has a unique and distinct flavor that like potatoes, complements the taste of the food being cooked. And it is highly versatile as an ingredient, it can be used as fries, chips, boiled, etc. Potatoes are healthy but they do contribute to constipation and are inflammatory foods, whereas the cassava root is completely opposite in effect.
43. Treat arthritis and rheumatism
Cassava root is used as home remedy to treat arthritis and rheumatism and irritable bowel syndrome. Being a fibrous tuber, it helps add dietary fiber to daily food intake. Fiber foods reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer as well as helping with diabetes. Fiber in your diet helps ease and decrease the occurrence of constipation.
44. Cassava is a starchy food but contains no gluten
Cassava is a starchy food but contains no gluten. So for those on gluten free diets or those with Celiac s disease (intolerance for gluten), cassava is an ideal substitute to using wheat, rye or barley, which are very popularly used food items that contain gluten. A good substitute for wheat flour, is cassava flour, more nutrients, no gluten. Even products produced of this flour such as noodles or pasta, are gluten free. Hence using cassava flour ensures you can enjoy all sorts of foods, all the while maintaining a no gluten diet.
45. Excellent source of saponins
Cassava root is an excellent source of saponins, which are chemical compounds found in variant levels in most plants. Saponins are very effective against cholesterol and also act as antioxidants and anti inflammatory agents. On the whole, their presence helps with managing cholesterol levels, reducing acidic levels in the body and breaking down waste faster. Since cassava root has this useful chemical nutrient in large quantities, all the benefits of saponins can be had through eating the root itself.
46. The vitamins and mineral content levels
The vitamins and mineral content levels in this tubular vegetable also add to the benefits of this root. Cassava root has a high content level of manganese, which is a very important nutrient for the human body. It helps in improving the mental functioning of an individual as well as aids in digestion and absorption of food. Manganese is available in trace amounts in food items and is completely wiped out of modern processed and fast foods, making cassava a useful source for its intake.
47. Important Substance Content In Cassava Leaves
Besides its good taste, reversed of the benefits of cassava leaves, there is a very important substances when consumed. Cassava leaves contain minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, and proteins are very good for the body. It is also known that vegetable protein contained in cassava leaves serve as elements that build the body s cells and is a component of system of the enzyme forming . In addition, the amino acid content there on the green leaves serve as modifiers of carbohydrates into energy. Amino acid in cassava leaves are also useful for wound healing in the skin, replacing damaged cells, bone health, helping us with good memories, and to help the body s metabolic system. As for the chlorophyll in the leaves serve as antioxidants and anticancer.
48. Benefits of Cassava Leaves
Benefits of cassava leaves are very much, health can be supplemented with the intake of nutritious foods such as cassava leaves. Known cassava leaves have a number of important benefits such as suitable for those who are running the diet program because Cassava leaves are very low in calories. With that consuming cassava leaves will give the effect of satiety. For those who are hard to defecate, cassava leaves to overcome constipation and digestion us. In addition, cassava leaves can also be used as a medicine rheumatism, headaches, ulcers, cold medicine, diarrhea, overcome the worms, and increase stamina.
49. Utilization of Cassava Leaves
In addition to be as healthy snacks, cassava leaves are also useful as an herbal medicine that can drink it water directly . It is very easy, just boil the leaves with one to two glasses of water and can be mixed with ginger or water whiting. Residual of water decoction also can be drink and had incredible benefits to the body. That are some benefits of cassava leaves that we can get easily.
50. Where it Grows
Cassava grows in Africa, the Caribbean, India, Europe, South Pacific, Central and South America, Asia, Florida, Southern Texas, Southern US, Indonesia, and many other places in the world. Cassava is one of the common vegetables featuring in variety of everyday traditional dishes in many Caribbean, Africa, and Asia countries. Together with other tropical roots like yam, taro, plantains, potato, etc., it too is an Integral part of the diet in these regions.