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Semierect blackberry plants

Benefits of Black berries


Semierect blackberry plants

Semierect blackberry plants are thornless and produce vigorous, thick, erect canes from the crown.No primocanes are produced from the roots (suckering).Prune primocanes in the summer to encourage branching and increase fruit production on floricanes.A trellis is required to support the canes. Semierect blackberries generally produce a higher yield than trailing or erect types.Fruit quality is similar to that of the erect blackberries.


A Beneficial Brew for Every Day
Increasing the teas medicinal value
WeightLoss Winners
Gum Care
Apply the berries to your skin to help with puffy eyes
Other Benefits
For minor sore throat pain
BrainBoosting Benefits
Supports Cardiovascular Health
Blackberry Cleanser
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