1. Celery seed:As with all members of the Umbelliferae family with their ascendant flower and seed heads, this is a digestive 'lightener'. Its pungency and aromatic nature activate the digestive process and make light work of heavy food. Literally meaning 'goat's delight', ajmoda is a delicious shrub.Lungs Asthma, bronchitis, cough, sinus congestion. It actively helps to dilate the bronchioles by preventing spasm in the airways. It positively affect .....

2. Bishop's weed (E), Ajwain (H):Deliciously aromatic, ajwain is a wonderful remedy for sluggish digestion and coughs. A truly warming seed.Digestion Specifically indicated for low digestive fire (mandagni). It combines warming digestive pungency with antispasmodic and bitter activity; antiflatulent, digestive cramps and sluggish digestion. Also benefits worms and fungal infections of the intestines (Swami Prakashananda Ayurveda Research Centre 1992 .....

3. Aloe vera:The Indian name for aloe vera is kuma-r?- meaning 'young maiden', which reveals its affinity for the female menstrual cycle and its rejuvenative powers for maintaining youthfulness.Gynaecology The gel and juice are salutary when there is excess bleeding or clots. As kumari clears the liver it directly affects raktavahasrotas and the flow of pitta in the blood. This affects the artavasrotas, the menstrual channel, as it is responsible fo .....

4. Indian gooseberry (E), Amla (H):'Amla' literally means 'sour'; another name for amalaki is dhatrdhatr means 'mother' or 'nurse', indicating that amalaki is the ultimate carer and healer. It is the major ingredient in Cyavanapra-´sa-, the elixir tonic paste that is a superb rejuvenative for the lungs, all three dos.as and the reproductive system. Use amalaki for reducing inflammation in the digestive tract, assisting the bowels and strengthening .....

5. Indian ipecac:This climber grows all over the Indian plains. Its 'viney' nature reflects its ability to spread, diffuse and ascend upwards through the lungs. Anthrapachaka literally means 'digestion in the entrails' relating to its ability to remove parasites from the intestines.Lungs Asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, hayfever; allergic conditions of the respiratory tract. Human clinical trials report the efficacy of its antiallergenic effect, provin .....

6. Purging cassia (E), Amaltas (H):A gentle laxative used to clear pitta from the intestines.Digestion Beneficial where there is constipation from heat drying the fluids in the colon. Specific for high pitta in the intestines where pacaka and ran˜jaka pitta are aggravated. As a gentle laxative it is used in children, the elderly and in pregnancy where constitutionally appropriate. It descends apana vayu and clears flatulence. It is a specific remed .....

7. Arjuna myrobalan (E), Arjun (H):Arjuna means 'white' or 'shining', named after its bark which literally reflects light wherever this huge tree grows. Its name is also associated with 'Arjuna', one of the heroes of the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata. The pale white bark of the arjuna tree 'moults' naturally once a year; its new skin bringing new life. It is harvested when the tree is mature, thus attesting to its ability to prolong life, prote .....

8. Ashok (H):Ashoka is a famous uterine tonic specifically used for excess bleeding and pain. Lord Buddha was born under the ashoka tree and Lord Ram's wife S´? - ta was held captive in an ashoka grove in Sri Lanka. It literally means 'remover of sorrow', attesting to its ability to cure pain and discomfort.Gynaecology A very useful herb to treat menstrual disorders associated with excess bleeding (rakta pradara), pain and congestion. Use when ther .....

9. Winter cherry (E), Indian ginseng (E), Asgandh (H):The irony of ashwagandha is that it is a tonic and sedative all in one. It strengthens an exhausted nervous system that can manifest with 'hyper' signs such as emotional instability, agitation or feeling stressed out. It has the dual action of energising while calming. Its name ashwagandha meaning 'the smell of a horse', comes from the smell of the fresh root (like horse's urine), and also perhap .....

10. Psoralea fruit (E), Babchi (H), Bakuchi (H):These little black seeds are famous for their use in chronic skin diseases. The outer cover of the seed is sticky and contains the therapeutically important coumarins.Dermatology Benefits alopecia (as a tincture), psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo (as an oil or tincture); externally and internally (see notes below). The oil acts as an irritant, which stimulates the melanoblastic cells to create normal pigment .....

11. Indian country mallow (E):Bala means 'strength'. Its stem and roots are tough and this is literally what they impart—inner strength. It is a nourishing tonic, especially for nervous conditions.Urinary Cystitis, stones, infection, haematuria, polyuria, urgency; high pitta and vata in mutravahasrotas . Nerves Pain, neuralgia, sciatica, paralysis and neurosis; all structural and nervous disorders with high vata. It is an excellent energy tonic whe .....

12. Marking nut (E), Bhilawa (H):Bhallataka means 'like a spear', attesting to its ability to penetrate deeply into the tissues and rejuvenate the body. It benefits digestion, lung weakness and arthritis. It is a specific rejuvenating tonic for the reproductive system.Digestion It strongly increases the appetite and treats conditions caused by low digestive fire; piles, diarrhoea, worms and colitis. Its ability to clear ama helps to clear the srotas. .....

13. Eclipta (E), Bhangra (H):Bhringaraja oil is a famous hair tonic for maintaining dark hair and reversing baldness. It is often translated as 'king of the hair', but literally means 'bee ruler'. It is decocted in coconut oil and as this is a 'cooling' oil it is used externally for 'hot' and inflammatory head problems such as headaches, sinusitis and ear infections. The herb also benefits heat problems.Head Premature greying of hair, alopecia and ea .....

14. Phyllanthus (E), Stone breaker (E):This is a very bitter-tasting small shrub that literally means 'the amalaki of the earth' as this very low-lying shrub's leaves resemble the pattern and shape of her somewhat grander celestial namesake. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is referred to in some books as Phyllanthus emblica. Bhumiamalaki is a wonderful liver remedy that is also effective for clearing gall and bladder stones.Liver Its affinity for balan .....

15. Beleric myrobalan (E), Baheda (H):Bibhitaki is the 'one who keeps you away from disease' as it is literally 'fearless' of all diseases. This small, dry fruit has a specific drying, astringing and strengthening action on the mucous membranes throughout the body, especially in the lungs, intestines and urinary system.Lungs Asthma, bronchitis, cough, laryngitis with high avalambaka kapha, obstructing the flow of prana in the lungs. Where there is co .....

16. Bael fruit (E), Bengal quince (E), wood apple tree (E), Bel (H):This fruit is a fantastic remedy for the digestive system. Sacred to Lord Shiva, it destroys weakness in the intestines. The dried immature part is used for diarrhoea while the mature, fresh fruit is more laxative.Digestion Immature dried bilva is a specific herb for chronic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhoea, dysentery, and malabsorption that manifests as longterm imbalances .....

17. Bacopa (E), Herpestis (E),:Brahman is the Hindu name given to the universal consciousness and Brahma is the divinity responsible for all 'creative' forces in the world. Brahmi literally means the 'energy or shakti of Brahman (i.e. Sarasvati). With brahmi deriving its name from these roots it has a lot to live up to. And it does! Its mind enhancing and nervous system soothing effects are legendary.Brain Brahmi helps to improve memory, learning abi .....

18. Cardamom (E), Elaichi (H):These aromatic seed pods are filled with soothing, relaxing and antispasmodic essential oils. A premium digestive aid and mucus reducer.Digestion Specifically in weak digestion, borborygmus, bloating, flatulence, colic, intestinal pain and indigestion. Cardamom stimulates agni without aggravating pitta and clears excess kledaka kapha from the stomach. Being anuloma it helps to regulate samana vayu and direct apana vayu d .....

19. Castor oil (E), Rendi (H):Castor oil is considered the king of medicinals for curing va¯ta and arthritic diseases. It is warm, oily, heavy, and acts as a laxative.Digestion In mild to moderate constipation, castor oil acts as an osmotic laxative. It holds water in the intestines and causes a total cleansing of the large intestine. This can flush pitta and kapha from the system. Its effect is very dose-dependent and can range from cathartic to ap .....

20. White chiretta (E), Chiretta (H):This is an especially bitter herb that is renowned for cleansing the blood and liver of inflammation and high pitta. Chiretta is derived from 'kira-ta' meaning bitter.Digestion Inflammatory digestive conditions, hyperacidity, bleeding piles and worms. It clears amapitta from the intestines as it acts as a mild laxative. As it stimulates the liver it can stimulate the appetite. This has a beneficial effect on rasa .....

21. White leadwort (E), Chita (H):Chitraka means the 'spotted one', perhaps referring to its namesake, the spotted leopard, who speedily catches its prey just as chitraka rapidly cures diseases. It is also known as agni meaning 'fire' or jvala meaning 'flame'. It is a very hot-natured herb and should be used sparingly. It strongly increases the digestive fire.Digestion Deficient digestion (mandagni) with flatulence and diarrhoea with cold signs of wa .....

22. Chrysanthemum (E), Indian chrysanthemum (E), Gundandi (H):Sevanti derives from the word seva meaning 'service' as it encourages humility and devotion. Its lightness balances the heavy intensity of pitta. Its sweet aroma awakens the heart and cools the agitation of an imbalanced pitta. It goes straight to the eyes and skin via the liver.Lungs Acute upper respiratory infections with heat; sore throat, fever, thirst, headaches, general malaise. It c .....

23. Cinnamon (E), Ceylon cinnamon (E), Cassia (E), Dalchini (H):Twak means 'skin' or 'bark'; the bark of the cinnamon tree is used in ayurvedic medicine as a major digestive herb. As a bark protects a tree, cinnamon protects and strengthens the intestines.Lungs Colds, cough, sinus congestion, bronchitis with excess avalambaka kapha; it clears mucus and encourages the circulation of vata throughout the respiratory system. Use it as a hot decoction to .....

24. Cloves (E), Lavang (H):Cloves are the dried flower buds of this evergreen tree. They have very effective antiseptic and fungal properties that benefit digestion.Digestion Weak, sluggish digestion with pain, flatulence and lack of interest in food. Increases agni without aggravating pitta if used moderately. Specifically used for nausea; its aromatic quality settles excess vata and kapha. Use a cold infusion to settle nausea during pregnancy. May .....

25. Coleus (E):Coleus is a small perennial plant that grows on the lower foothills of India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. It has received much scientific interest in recent years and is now renowned for its beneficial effect on the skin, heart, on blood pressure and glaucoma.Eyes Specific use for glaucoma; it reduces intraocular pressure. Heart Coleus improves heart function and may benefit congestive heart failure. It also reduces blood pressure at the dose .....

26. Coriander (E), Cilantro (E), Dhaniya (H):This popular Indian curry ingredient is also an invaluable medicine; it soothes an irritated digestive system and cools any burning sensations in the body. Its sweet aroma can subtly lift the spirits. Dhanya-ka is a proper noun also meaning 'rich'.Digestion Coriander seed is an excellent remedy for promoting pitta digestion as it enkindles agni but does not aggravate acidity. It can be used safely when the .....

27. Cumin seed (E), Jira (H):This small shrubby annual thrives in dry conditions. It counteracts dampness and excessively wet conditions in the body. Its Sanskrit name literally means 'promoting digestion' and it is a superb addition to any formula when there is a compromised digestive system.Digestion One of the best herbs for digestive sluggishness. Used as a flavouring in cooking to help the absorption of nutrients. Specifically implicated in bloa .....

28. Mugwort (E), Davana (H):This common roadside herb is very warming and has an affinity for the blood and the female reproductive system. Damanaka literally means 'subduing' as it tames disease.Gynaecology Specific herb for menorrhagia when this excessive bleeding is caused by coldness, i.e. an excess of kapha and/or vata in the uterus. Useful in all cold conditions of the lower abdomen where cold congeals and creates dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis o .....

29. Indian berberry (E), Daruhaldi (H), Darvi (H):Daruharidra means 'tree turmeric' after its yellow-coloured roots and trunk visible after the bark is peeled from this thorny bush. It is a remarkable remedy for regulating the liver and clearing high pitta from the system.Liver As an effective cholagogue it helps to protect the liver from toxic damage. It can be used in liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and also in 'sluggish liver', charact .....

30. Himalayan cedar wood (E), Deodar (H):This hardy tree thrives in the high altitude of the western Himalayas. It means 'wood of the gods'. The inner wood is aromatic and is also distilled into essential oil. The outer bark is astringent and is used for diarrhoea and neuralgic pain.Digestion Used in digestive distension from weak digestion. As it alleviates vata it can reduce intestinal spasms and cramping by relaxing the nervous system and easing f .....

31. White thorn apple (E), Datura (H):Dhattura is steeped in legend. The sublimely enticing flowers draw you towards them. It has psychotropic qualities that give it a mythical character. Ayurvedically the leaves are a potent remedy for diffusing the lungs and circulating pra-n. a.Lungs Dhattura leaves are a powerful remedy for dilating the bronchioles of the lungs. They are antispasmodic and can swiftly relieve wheezing and tightness of the chest. I .....

32. Ephedra (E):Ephedra is a dry, stalky plant that favours dry, barren land, and is specific for cold, wet, damp lung and circulatory conditions. It is invaluable for acute asthma and allergic respiratory attacks with kapha and cold symptoms. Somalata means the 'soma creeper' referring to 'soma' the divine plant that induced transcendental states. Although Ephedra spp. have been associated with soma this is not confirmed and ephedra is not a creeper .....

33. Fennel (E), Sounf (H):Its name shatapushpa means 'one hundred flowers'. Its other name Madhurika- means 'the sweet one'. This is another member of the Umbelliferae family that aromatically warms digestion. Like its flower head it spreads and moves outwards, thus preventing congestion and stagnation in the centre.Digestion Digestive discomfort; flatulence, borborygmus, cramps, nausea and low agni. Although a heating herb, it benefits digestion wit .....

34. Fenugreek (E), Methi (H):Fenugreek is a very warming seed that benefits kapha and va-ta. It is used to treat constipation, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity. Its smell is very pungent, and it is a nourishing seed.Diabetes Its beneficial effect on the water channels (ambuvahasrotas) and the urinary system (mutravahasrotas) indicate its use in diabetes. It can help to clear some of the fatty deposits that accumulate in the channels that should .....

Frankincense (Indian)
35. Frankincense (E), Indian oli–banum (E), Salai guggul (H):Frankincense has dual energetics of being both heating and cooling. It is heating due to its blood circulating property and cooling due to its anti-inflammatory action. Frankincense has had a long-term connection with the spiritual realm and religious ceremony. It is also used in psychiatric and mental conditions.Pain All types of pain, specifically arthritic or post-trauma where there is .....

36. Garlic (E), La´suna (H):The delicious bulbs of this annual are a veritable herbal panacea. Ayurveda focuses on its positive digestive effect when there is cold and sluggishness, but warns of its inappropriate use in times of emotional stress and environmental heat. Rasona means 'lacking a taste', derived from rasa meaning 'taste' and una meaning 'lacking', as it lacks the sour taste.Digestion Garlic is a classic folk medicine used for gastric di .....

37. Ginger (E), Adrakh (H), Sont (H):Ardraka means 'moist' and sunthi means' dry'. It is also known as vishwabheshaja, the universal medicine benefiting everybody and all diseases (if you can say all in Ayurveda!), especially va-ta disorders. This is the herbalist's best friend. When using ginger think 'digestion, lungs and circulation'.Cold Clears cold; fresh increases peripheral circulation and causes vasodilation and sweating. It clears ama from p .....

38. Puncture vine fruit (E), Caltrops (H), Gokhru (H):This spiky fruit looks like the cloven hoof of a cow and hence the name go-ks.ura (cow-hoof). 'Ks.ura' also means 'scratcher' and as this thorny shrub is found growing in sandy wasteland all over the subcontinent it is responsible for scarring the hide of many a sacred cow. It is a superb diuretic that clears excess fluids from the system. Its hormonal precursor compounds actively nourish the repr .....

Gotu Kola
39. Indian pennywort (E), Gotu kola (S), Kula kudi (H):Manduka-parni refers to its leafshape resembling the webbed feet of a frog. The leaf also looks like the cerebellum and is one of the finest examples of the 'doctrine of signatures' as gotu kola is traditionally renowned for its intellectpromoting, nervous-system soothing and general mindenhancing properties.Nerves In conditions of stress, insomnia, epilepsy, emotional turbulence; beneficial with .....

40. Guduchi, Giloy (H):Guduchi is described as 'the one who protects the body'. 'Amr• ta' means 'divine nectar' referring to the life restoring drops that Lord Indra sprinkled from heaven to bring life back to the devotees of Lord Ra¯ma after they were slain in battle. This is a virile creeper that grows throughout the forests of India. Those growing up neem trees are said to be the best as the synergy between these two bitter plants enhances gudu .....

41. Indian bedellium (E), Indian myrrh (E), Guggul (H):Guggulu resin has a remarkable cholesterol controlling action. It is used in Ayurveda to literally scrape out toxic accumulations that aggravate va-ta and cause arthritis. It is a renowned yogava-h?-, meaning that it carries other substances with it deep into the tissues.Cholesterol It reduces cholesterol (LDL) and prevents accumulation. It has a lekhana property that 'scrapes' deposits from the .....

42. Periploca of the wood (E), Gurmar (H):Eating the fresh leaves numbs the taste buds to the sense of sweet or bitter; hence the name means 'sweet destroyer' (madhu-vinas´hi, gur-mar). A fantastic herb for balancing blood sugar levels.Diabetes Specific herb to increase insulin production in pancreas. By acting directly on rakta dhatu it helps to regulate blood glucose levels and enhance glucose tolerance. It also helps to address the weakness in th .....

43. Chebulic myrobalan (E), Harde (H), Hara (E):Haritaki is described as the 'remover of diseases'. Hara is also the name of Lord Shiva, thus reflecting the sacred nature and exalted position of the plant but it literally means 'green' like the fruit. It is also 'abhaya- ' or 'fearless' of any disease. It is said to have originated when a drop of immortal nectar (amr. ta) fell from heaven to earth. It is considered to be the best herb for the digesti .....

Hemp Seed
44. Hemp seed (E), Bhang ke beej (H):The seeds of this infamous plant make a superb demulcent laxative. They also have a perfect balance of omega-3, -6 and -9 essential fatty acids, pointing to its use as an antiinflammatory, nervous restorative, and cardiac tonic. Vijaya- means 'victorious' as it is victorious over so many diseases.Digestion Constipation; vata-type constipation with dryness, wind and hard-to-pass stool. May also benefit ulcers and i .....

45. Asafoetida (E), Devil's dung (E), Hingu (H):Hingu is a very calming herb used to treat spasmodic pain. It first stimulates but then, like most stimulants, causes a burning out and dullness of the mind. It is a very useful, pungently aromatic, antispasmodic and carminative herb.Digestion Its sharp, hot and unctuous property helps to clear high vata in the digestive tract, treating bloating, flatulence, colic and undigested food in the stool; it mo .....

46. Jasmine (E):Jasmine flowers are very useful to help balance emotional disturbance and to alleviate anxiety. Considered to be a very sattvic flower, it opens the heart cakra and bestows a feeling of love upon the lucky imbiber.Nerves Calms an irritated and 'hot' nervous system. Good for stress, 'burn out', insomnia and depression. It is best for pitta or kapha types of depression, tension or nervousness as its lightness can increase vata if used i .....

47. Indian spikenard (E):Jatamamsi means 'whose flesh is like a dreadlock'; it is known as jatamamsi because its roots resemble the matted hair of the Himalayan ascetics. It has a superb rejuvenating effect on the mind. It is a sought-after nervous relaxant and antispasmodic.Nerves Hysteria, nervousness, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and insomnia. It cools and nourishes a 'hot' and 'exhausted' nervous system; clears pitta, calms vata, reduces kapha. .....

48. King of bitters (E), Andrographis (E):Kalamegha literally means 'black cloud' perhaps attesting to its harvest time just before winter. Also known as bhunimba meaning 'Neem of the earth' referring to its bitter neem-like taste and effects. Kalamegha is a very bitter tasting herb with a renowned immunestimulating effect. It is used to treat infections, fevers and septic conditions of the blood.Immunity Lowered immunity in acute and chronic infecti .....

49. Mountain ebony (E), Kan˜chanara (H):The skin of the bark of kanchanara is specifically used for treating glandular swellings especially in the lymphatic system. It is commonly used in gynaecological conditions caused by uterine congestion.Gynaecology It is especially useful for congestion and accumulations in the pelvic cavity; fibroids, endometriosis and cysts. The dry, light and astringent properties all help to reduce kapha. It is effectively .....

50. Cowhage (E), Kapikacchu (H):This broad-bean-sized seed is a superb restorative to the reproductive system. Like many seeds it has the ability to potentiate the reproductive tissue as well as the nervous system. It is also used to treat tremors and spasms. The surface of the seed-pods is 'velvety' like a monkey's skin. It is also an allergenic which causes an itch, hence the name 'one who scratches like a monkey'. A - tmagupta- means 'secret self' .....

51. Bitter gourd (E), Bitter melon (E), Karella (H):Karavella is a common vegetable also used to regulate blood sugar levels and treat urinary disorders. It is a very bitter remedy that has a wonderful healing effect on the blood.Diabetes Karavella has become renowned for its antidiabetic properties. Charantin is an effective hypoglycaemic and the polypeptide P lowers blood sugar levels more effectively than insulin without some of the side-effects. .....

Krishna Jiraka
52. Black cumin (E), Love-in-the-mist (E), Kalonji (H):These little black seeds are marvellous for calming and strengthening digestion. It is an effective destagnator of the lungs, uterus, channels and mind.Digestion Black cumin has a specific affinity for purisavahasrotas and treats loose stool, diarrhoea, dysentery, bloating and gas. It also clears intestinal parasites. Lungs Asthma, cough, hayfever. Useful where there may be increased histamine re .....

53. Costus root (E):Kushtha means 'skin disease' and refers to its ability to treat many skin disorders. It is a large plant with sweet aromatic roots. It looks a bit like burdock (they are from the same family). When you smell a plant with such a warm fragrance think 'digestive promoter', 'fluid drying' and 'stagnation clearing'.Digestion Kushtha benefits the digestive tract and regulates vata, especially s´amana and apana vayu in the centre of the .....

54. Kutaj (H), Kureya (H):The skin of the bark of this small tree is a very effective remedy for diarrhoea, piles and parasitic amoebic infections.Digestion Kutaja is a virtual cure all for amoebic and bacillary dysentery. It is effective against both Entamoeba histolytica and Shigella spp. Its astringent properties help to cure diarrhoea and heal the mucous membranes of the intestinal walls (purisavahasrotas) that are so often irritated by bacterial .....

55. Picrorrhiza (E), Kutki (H):Kutki is a very bitter root that has wonderful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It grows in the freezing climate of the Himalayas and evidently absorbs some of this 'cooling' property from its surrounding environment. Kat.uka- literally means 'pungent' which is strange as it is a very bitter tasting herb.Liver Kutki protects the liver against damage from the hepatitis C virus. It increases the flow of bil .....

Lemon And Lime
56. Lemon (E), Bara nimbu (H); Lime (E), Nimbu (H):Lemons and limes are delicious remedies for treating the digestive and urinary systems with the added bonus of having a high vitamin content.Digestion Both lemon and lime aid digestion and agni by stimulating salivary and digestive secretions. The sour flavour has a sympathetic reaction on the liver, enhancing bile flow and the emulsion of fats. This aids its laxative effect and ability to clear stag .....

57. Lemongrass (E):Lemongrass is an aromatic diaphoretic that relaxes the peripheral circulatory system and is useful in fevers. It also benefits the digestion, lungs and menstruation. Bhu- -tr•n• a literally means 'earth grass'.Digestion The combination of pungent and bitter flavours in lemongrass stimulates agni without aggravating pitta. It regulates s´amana and apana vayu in the intestines to relieve gas, cramps and colic. Lungs Its pungency .....

58. Licorice (E), Jethimadh (H):Yastimadhu means the 'sweet stick'. The sweetness of licorice is 50 times greater than sucrose. Its sweet flavour indicates its tonifying effects; it directly strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nervous system, is a superb anti-inflammatory and balances all three dos.as.Lungs Asthma, bronchitis, wheezing. Use with dry coughs with difficult-to-expectorate phlegm, sore throat, laryngitis and tonsillitis, as licorice l .....

59. Lotus (E) Sanskrit Padma, Kamala:The lotus is the supreme symbol of the evolution of the soul. As she grows from the murky depths of the muddy lake waters to her majestic flowering on the clear surface of the water of life she is a living metaphor for our growth from ignorance to wisdom. It is very useful as a brain and reproductive tonic.Bleeding The node and root are specific for bleeding disorders from the lungs, GIT and uterus. It astringes a .....

60. Indian madder (E), Manjith (H):Manjishtha is a perennial climber and like a vine it 'spreads' throughout the whole system, especially working on the arterial, circulatory system and skin. It literally means 'bright red' attesting to its red roots, which have an affinity for the blood; the red pigment can be seen in the urine.Skin Its affinity for raktadhatu is specifically utilised to clean, cool and clear the blood of all excess pitta, heat, inf .....

61. Mint (E), peppermint (E), horsemint (E), Pudina (H), Puthia (H):This hardy perennial is famously fragrant. It is full of aromatic menthol, which 'wakes up' the senses and decongests the orifices of the head as well as calming and relaxing digestion.Digestion Nervous digestion, flatulence, bloating, IBS, ulcers, nausea, and anorexia. Specific for pitta inflammation and irritation causing gastritis and enteritis. The aromatic essential oils cool th .....

62. Nut grass (E), Motha (H):This small aromatic tuber is commonly found next to rivers. It loves damp conditions and is very good at treating them. When considering using mustaka think of its aromatic, drying, antispasmodic qualities for gynaecology and digestion.Digestion It regulates disturbed digestion, diarrhoea, colic, flatulence, borborygmus and bloating. Its antispasmodic effects treat pain in the intestines. It also has a specific use for Ca .....

Mustard Seed
63. Mustard seed (E):These little black or brown seeds have a warming and stimulating effect on the digestion and lungs. A wonderful home remedy for nipping the onset of a cold in the bud.Digestion Mustard seed clears accumulations of food caused by low agni, high kapha and ama. It warms the digestive system, stimulates agni and clears sluggish congestion due to excess intestinal mucus. It is also used to kill worms. Lungs It is a great expectorant; .....

64. Myrrh (E), Bdellium gum (E), Bol (H):Myrrh is extracted as a resin from the trunk of this thorny desert shrub. Its main feature is an affinity for the blood, heart and female reproductive systems but it is also a great antibacterial.Heart Congestive heart disorders, hypercholesterol, atherosclerosis. As with all oleo-resins, it 'scrapes' cholesterol out of the body Lymph Lymphatic congestion, inflammation, lymphoedema; all fluid congestion and sw .....

65. Neem (E), Margosa (E), Nim (H):Myths abound concerning the healing properties of neem; its curative nature is said to have begun when a drop of nectar (amrta) fell on to it from the cup of immortality. Its bitter principle indicates its use in inflammations of the skin and digestive tract.Skin Most effective in inflammatory skin conditions due to aggravated rakta and pitta with itching, oozing, burning and infection; eczema, psoriasis when active .....

66. Nutmeg (E), Jaiphal (H):Jatiphala means 'caste fruit' and Mada-s´aun.d. a means 'intoxicating fruit'. Its aromatic quality gives nutmeg its wonderful sedative properties that deeply relax the whole nervous system. It also has potent aphrodisiac qualities.Nerves Insomnia, agitated mind and lack of concentration. When there is excitation and high vata in the mind it draws the expansive nature of vata inwards. Its heavy nature can 'dull' the mind; .....

67. Black pepper (E), Kalimirch (H):Named after one of the names of the sun, mar?-ca, it has the same qualities as this macrocosmic source of heat and light. It is warming, drying and stimulating to the circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems.Digestion Useful for low appetite, sluggish digestion, abdominal pain, toxins or ama and borborygmus. Black pepper's hot and penetrating qualities are a great stimulant to agni as they help to increase en .....

68. Long pepper (E), Pipal (H), Pimpli (H):This small shrub grows all over the tropical forests of India. It is a fine rejuvenative to the respiratory system; its sweet post-digestive effect is very nourishing to the deeper reproductive tissues of the body.Lungs Primarily used for cold, wet and 'mucousy' conditions of the lungs. It is a rejuvenative for the lungs, pranavahasrotas and avalambaka kapha. It encourages vasodilation and therefore increase .....

Pit Shirisha
69. Shirish (H), Siris (H):The bark of this tree is renowned for strengthening the lungs and clearing mucus accumulations from the lymph and lungs. It is a potent antiallergenic herb.Lungs Its affinity for pranavahasrotas benefits asthma of the vata–kapha variety—a wet, damp cough with wheezing, worse in the morning and evening. Its ´sirovirecana action helps in reducing allergic reactions in the head such as allergic rhinitis, hayfever and asth .....

70. Pomegranate (E), Anar (fruit) (H), Anardana (seeds) (H):This beautiful red fruit is famed for its taste as well as being a fertility symbol. It specifically balances an acidic digestion, nourishes the heart and balances levels of oestrogen.Digestion The sweet juice of the fruit is a wonderful cooling drink for soothing an inflamed stomach and intestines. It is a specific for hyperacidity and the resulting nausea. Its mild astringency helps to slo .....

71. Psyllium husk (E), Isaphgul (H), Isabgol (H), Blond psyllium (E):Asvakarna means 'horse's ear' and relates to the shape of the small pink seed resembling the equine ear. Psyllium is a very useful demulcent bulk laxative for treating constipation from dryness.Digestion As a bulking agent it helps to relieve both constipation and diarrhoea. The husk soaked with milk is used for constipation and water or buttermilk for diarrhoea. The roasted seeds a .....

72. Indian hogweed (E), Gadhapurana (H):Punarnava means 'one that renews the old body'. Its rejuvenative action works via its opening and cleansing activity allowing effective nourishment to reach the tissues. It is a superb diuretic and it benefits the heart.Heart Fluid congestion, cardiac oedema, general oedema from heart function deficiency. Laboured breathing from the resultant congestion in the chest is eased. By clearing the excess of avalambak .....

73. Indian elecampane (E), Poharmool (H):This hardy perennial is in the same family as Europe's elecampane (Inula helenium). Pushkaramoola literally means 'lotus root' and is a big-rooted, aromatic tonic with a specific affinity for the heart, lungs and digestive tract.Heart Angina, heart pain, high blood pressure from high vata and kapha. All chest pain and heart disease from ischaemia. Human clinical trials have suggested that it acts like betabloc .....

74. Rhubarb root (E), Revand chini (H):Growing in the Himalayas, this powerful laxative is an invaluable herbal remedy for intestinal congestion, bleeding and blood toxicity.Digestion Rhubarb root has an affinity for purisavahasrotas and is used in both constipation and diarrhoea; its action is dosedependent. The anthroquinones purge the bowel while the tannins astringe and maintain its tone. As a laxative it takes about 8 hours to work and should be .....

75. Rose (E), Gulab (H):Rose petals treat the heart and nerves, and lift the spirits. They have an affinity for the blood and, like all Rosaceae family, have a certain astringency that stops bleeding and reduces inflammation. S´ata-patr? - literally means the 'hundred-petalled'.Gynaecology Its affinity for the blood and rakta dhatu make it useful in excessive menstrual bleeding, vaginal infections and inflammation. It clears pitta from the uterus an .....

Safed Musali
76. White musali (E), Musi (H):Like most members of the Asparagus genus safed musali is considered to be a fertility tonic which nourishes the tissues of the mind, nervous and reproductive systems.Reproduction As it directly nourishes the s´ukra dhatu it is used as a sweet tonic and rejuvenative for the reproductive system. It treats infertility, premature ejaculation, impotence and low sperm count. It also nourishes artavahasrotas and promotes heal .....

77. Safflower (E):These beautiful red flowers have a direct affinity for the blood. Use it when there are signs of stagnant blood in the heart, uterus or externally on bruised skin.Gynaecology It has a tropism for artava dhatu and the uterus that rectifies menstrual pain that is fixed in one place with clots, amenorrhoea or endometriosis. It treats delayed or lack of menses caused by obstructions in the pelvic cavity due to high kapha and pitta. Trau .....

78. Saffron (E), Kesar (H):In India saffron is cultivated in Kashmir and when it is flowering it fills the fields with a fantastic red glow. It is a small perennial growing to about 20cm with violet leaves and each flower producing three stamens. It takes about 160 flowers to produce 1g of dried saffron. Think gynaecology, blood, heart and reproduction when using saffron.Gynaecology It has a nourishing effect on rasa dhatu and an invigorating action .....

79. Salt: rock, sea, black, Sambar:Found in Sea.Digestion Salt stimulates digestion by increasing digestive enzymes and so benefits low appetite and indigestion. It also works directly on the taste receptors and clarifies the sense of taste. Higher doses can work as a laxative or emetic. The yogic practice of sankhapraksalana and satkarma utilises the osmotic properties of salt to draw toxins out of the mucous membranes prior to purgation (Swami Saty .....

80. White sandalwood (E):Sandalwood is famed for its cooling fragrance and aroma. It is used for cooling pitta and clearing heat from the urinary, digestive and respiratory systems.Chest When there is stagnation and tightness in the thoracic region sandalwood can clear pain and encourage the flow of prana and vyana vayu. It clears the airways obstructed with phlegm as it dries high kapha and regulates nervous spasmodic cough in high vata. Its antibac .....

81. Indian sarsaparilla (E), Sugandhi (H):Sariva smells sweet and is also known as sugandhi 'the fragrant one' in Hindi. Its red colour relates to its affinity for the blood and it treats all conditions with heat or toxins in the blood; dermatological, musculoskeletal, urogenital, gynaecological.Skin Its cooling, sweet and bitter flavours and affinity for rakta dhatu clears inflammation from the skin; used in eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, acne rosace .....

82. Rauwolfia (E), Indian snake root (E):Sarpagandha is a strong remedy for reducing blood pressure, sedating the nervous system and inducing sleep. Sarpagandha means 'smell of the snake' and it is renowned as an antidote for poisonous snake bites.Nerves Sarpagandha's sedative properties are legendary. It nourishes majja dhatu and reduces vata to benefit insomnia and agitation. It is also used in manic psychological disturbance as a sedating tranquil .....

83. Senna (E):The leaf and pod of senna are powerful laxatives. It thrives in the dry and hot conditions of Gujarat and is especially good at purging dampness and heat. Ra- ja-vr. ks.a literally means 'snake smell'.Digestion Acute constipation from heat. It clears pitta from the small intestine. Its affinity for purisavahasrotas treats lower bowel rectal problems such as piles, anal fissure and fistula where soft stool is required (Bartram 1995, Bhav .....

84. Shankhapushpi (H), Shankhahuli (H):Shankhapushpi means 'the plant with flowers shaped like a conch'. The conch or shankha is one of Lord Shiva's sacred instruments often used in ritual worship. This is an auspicious plant. It effectively calms the nervous system.Nerves It goes directly to majja dhatu and treats disorders of the nervous system; pain, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy and convulsions. It enters the manovahasrotas and alleviates stress an .....

85. Wild asparagus (E), Shatavar (H):Shatavari can mean 'one hundred roots' (literally 'one hundred below') but is commonly referred to as 'the woman who has a hundred husbands'. As this name suggests it is a renowned tonic for the female reproductive system. It is also a superb anti-inflammatory.Gynaecology Shatavari is the foremost uterine tonic. Primarily used as a menstrual regulator in dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia and menstrual irregularity. As pi .....

86. Mineral pitch, vegetable asphalt, bitumen (E):Shilajit literally means 'rock overpowering' and is a natural exudate from the rocks of the Himalayas and other mountainous regions of the world. Its high mineral content oozes out in the heat of the summer. It is a superb mineral supplement that benefits the kidneys, urinary and reproductive systems.Urinary It goes straight to mutravahasrotas and treats disorders of the urinary system with painful ur .....

87. Indian valerian (E), Tagar (H):Tagarah is a very heavy herb containing lots of the Earth element (pr. thiv?- tattva). It sedates the nervous system and va-ta. Too much can dull the mind and be excessively sedating.Nerves The heaviness and warmth ground the agitation caused by excessive tension, anxiety and restlessness from high vata. It is used in insomnia, panic attacks and lack of concentration. It specifically cleans the channels of toxins an .....

88. Sesame seed (E), Til (H):Sesame is an annual plant with beautiful flowers. It grows in dry soil and it treats dry conditions; it is an antidote to the climate in which it thrives. It is excellent for high va - ta with dry mucous membranes, weak muscles, bones and reproductive system.Digestion Its unctuous property treats dry constipation in the elderly and vata individuals. The seeds are hard to digest and can easily aggravate pitta due to their .....

89. Trivrut (H), Nishoth (H):Trivrut literally means 'having three parts' possibly referring to its twisted vine. It is a useful laxative that effectively treats constipation, colic and haemorrhoids.Digestion Its penetrating property enters purisavahasrotas and purges the bowel of all stagnant accumulations. It should be used in individuals with a mrdu kostha, a soft bowel that has become constipated. It is used in conditions with deep-seated toxins .....

90. Holy basil (E), Tulsi (H):As its Latin name implies it is considered a very sacred plant. It is high in sattva imparting the quality of lightness and spiritual clarity. An excellent herb for lifting the heaviness of fevers, coughs and colds.Lungs Tulsi clears kapha and mucus from the lungs and upper respiratory tract. Its action on rasa dhatu helps treat fevers and flu by encouraging sweating and therefore bringing the temperature down. Its actio .....

91. Turmeric (E), Haldi (H):Turmeric is a perennial grown throughout the tropical parts of Asia. It favours a warm and humid climate. Haridra- literally means 'yellow' and its strong yellow colour signifies its use as a liver herb that is good at drying damp and moving stagnation in the blood.Digestion For all intestinal infections and mucus conditions. Turmeric helps to promote 'sweet' intestines by reducing pathogenic bacteria and destroying ama. I .....

92. Calamus root (E), Sweet flag (E), Vach (H):Vacha literally means 'speech'. Calamus thrives in wet, damp marshland and is a semi-aquatic perennial. Its qualities treat similar 'terrain' in the whole system; sluggish, congested, heavy and wet conditions, like those of a marshland, are opposed by the warm, drying, penetrating and stimulating qualities of vacha.Mind Its primary application is to open the mind, improve concentration, clarity and speec .....

Vamsa Lochana
93. Bamboo manna, the inner pith of bamboo (E), Vamsa-locana (H):Although all parts of the bamboo are used, in Ayurveda true Vamsa lochana is found inside the hollow bamboo at the internodes as a silica-like secretion. Vam. s´alocana literally means 'bamboo eye', referring to the exudates of the silica appearing through an eye-like crack in the bamboo. Its rarity is due to the difficulty of its harvest. It is especially good at clearing lung infecti .....

94. Three-leafed caper (E), Varuna (H), Varna (H):The bark of varuna is a renowned diuretic helping to clear pain and stones from the bladder and kidneys.Urinary Its affinity for mutravahasrotas coupled with its bhedaniya property clears urinary deposits and urinary pain in cystitis and inflammation. It clears kidney, ureter and bladder stones. It is also used for other urinary symptoms with urinary incontinence, enuresis, hypotonic, atonic and neuro .....

95. Malabar nut (E), Vasaka (H), Adusa (H):Vasa means 'perfume' and is a common evergreen perennial shrub growing all over the plains of India and Sri Lanka. It is a powerful bronchodilator and expectorant for use in respiratory conditions with high kapha and pitta.Lungs It is a specific for respiratory congestion and wheezing. As a powerful bronchodilator it eases breathlessness and bronchospasm. It clears inflammatory pitta heat and liquefies conge .....

96. Embelia (E), Viranga (H), Vaividanga (H):Vidanga is a renowned remedy for treating digestive disorders, especially those characterised by abdominal bloating caused by worms.Digestion Traditionally used to clear vata from the intestines. It specifically kills bacterial, fungal and worm infestations (round-, thread- and tape-) and is considered gentle enough to treat childhood worms. Powdered vidanga is taken with honey on an empty stomach and then .....

97. Vidarikand (H):This enormous bulbous root is a renowned rejuvenating tonic for the reproductive systems of both men and women. It is sweet and nourishing.Urinary In any disorder of the urinary channels vidari can be considered for clearing inflammation and dryness from the urethra, bladder and kidneys. It specifically works on pitta and vata in the lower abdomen. It is a demulcent for a deficient and dry meda dhatu. Lactation A great herb to incr .....