Ayurvedic Medicine

Sesame seed (E), Til (H):
Sesame is an annual plant with beautiful flowers. It grows in dry soil and it treats dry conditions; it is an antidote to the climate in which it thrives. It is excellent for high va - ta with dry mucous membranes, weak muscles, bones and reproductive system.
Digestion Its unctuous property treats dry constipation in the elderly and vata individuals. The seeds are hard to digest and can easily aggravate pitta due to their heating nature, and kapha due to their unctuous nature. Used in haemorrhoids and ulcerated surfaces of the intestines it heals rakta dhatu and purisavahasrotas to lubricate the bowel and soften the stool. Lungs As a superb demulcent (snehana) the seeds can soothe a dry, hacking cough from aggravated udana and prana vata. It helps to strengthen weak lungs by tonifying pranavahasrotas. Bones Sesame nourishes asthi dhatu and is a useful source of calcium for bones, teeth and hair. It is used to prevent osteoporosis from asthigatavata, when vata enters the bone tissue. Skin Used internally and externally for dry skin it reduces high vata. Externally it can benefit dry eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis when there is not suppuration or broken skin. The oil is also used as a gargle for swollen and bleeding gums. Rejuvenation The seeds and oil are considered to be an excellent tonic to mamsa, majja and sĀ“ukra dhatu. They help to assist recovery after illness and for increasing strength, memory and fertility. Gynaecology The nutritive tonic action may benefit amenorrhoea and scanty periods from rasa and rakta deficiency.