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Cancer and Work



Cancer and Work

Cancer ( Jun 21 - Jul 22 ) and Work :

It's true that yours is the sign of domesticity. That doesn't mean you want to stay home all the time making tea and crumpets. As a cardinal sign, you're happiest when you're actively involved in the world. You shine in fields that rely on your emotional sensitivity. You excel in medicine, teaching, social work, child psychology, marriage counseling, and any other form of therapy. Because you have a deep love of home (and house), you can also succeed at real estate, architecture, cooking, restaurant management, and so on. Finally, thanks to your interest in the past, you're drawn to history, antiques, and museum work. You're great with children. You're also supremely responsive to the elderly and would do well in geriatrics. Whatever you do, it must offer fulfillment as well as material security. Your occupation needs to captivate you, and there's no reason to settle for anything less.
Despite your doubts and hesitations, taking the initiative is your best move. Within an organization, you quickly form alliances and generally rise to a position of leadership. You're well-organized and energetic, but you also become emotionally involved in your work, and you tend to take it home with you. It helps to find a mentor. Establishing a personal tie with someone who has the authority and expertise you lack can fortify and reassure you. Similarly, after you have accumulated some experience, you find it gratifying to become a mentor.
If you work with or for a Cancerian, be prepared to give your all. Crabs try to create family, even at the office. They want to forge strong connections and therefore try to create a positive atmosphere. At least in theory, the office door will be open, and criticism will be constructive. If you need help, say so. (They tend to slip into a parental role.) If you have a legitimate complaint, address it in a private meeting. But don't sneak around complaining to one and all behind your boss's back. Cancerians may hide their emotions, but they're astute enough to sense betrayal.


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