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They make it look easy

Ways Your IT Team Makes You Look Like a Hero


They make it look easy

When trying to make my CIO clients look like heroes, the key is making everything look really simple, so that people feel empowered to solve business problems, said Ty Rollin (@tyrollin), CTO, Mobiquity. In the same vein, my team makes complicated mobile worlds simple. They simplify all of this so I can present it to the next level. To me, this is the essence of making a hero: enabling me to easily use this condensed information to make bigger decisions.


They prepare and practice
They focus on clients
They measure success
The team acts like theyre the best
They understand the business
They accept constructive criticism and act on it
The team works better than the individual
They take on other responsibilities
They offer ideas
They are informed and aware of organizational goals
They allow you to deliver
They are proactive about project planning
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