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This Dutch eggplant juice from Indonesia

Benefits of Tamarillo fruits


This Dutch eggplant juice from Indonesia

Take 100 grams each of dutch eggplant, red wind and plain yogurt each. Add condensed milk or honey as per flavor. Blend all ingredient into blender and puree. Pour in serving glass. Add more red wine or honey a per taste. The red fruit contain the most lycopene, which is found in watermelons and tomatoes, and gives them their red colour, while the yellow and orange ones typically contain the most betacarotene. Lycopene is associated with prostate health, so the red, tarter tamarillos are good to help prevent prostate problems.


Good amount of protein
Nutritional benefits
Tamarillos in preventing cancer
Importance of pruning
Tamarillos reduces risk of kidney stones
Vitamin A
Tamarillo is a shrub or small size tree
Major pests and diseases
Side effects of tamarillo
Tamarillo for healthy heart
Tamarillos contain vitamins
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