benefits of celery

1. Celery is a plant. The fruit and seeds are dried or pressed into oil for use as medicine. Sometimes celery oil is marketed in capsule form. Some people also take celery juice as medicine. The ancient Greeks used celery to make wine, which was served as an award at athletic games. Celery is used to treat joint pain (rheumatism), gout, hysteria, nervousness, headache, weight loss due to malnutrition, loss of appetite, and exhaustion. Celery is also .....
2. In most U.S. markets, its the Pascal family of greenish to palegreen celery cultivars that weve become most accustomed to finding in the produce section. Pascal celery is larger than most other celery types, with firm, solid stalks and leafy ends. Yet even within this particular scientific type of celery (Apium graveolens var. dulce), there are many other options including Matador, Red Stalk, Tango, and Sonora. Celery actually comes in a variety .....
3. Over time, many different types of plants across the world have been referred to by the common name wild celery. Most of these plants .....
Antioxidant and AntiInflammatory Support
4. Celery is an important food source of conventional antioxidant nutrients, including vitamin C, betacarotene, and manganese. But its claim to fame in terms of antioxidant nutrients may very well be its phytonutrients. Many of these phytonutrients fall into the category of phenolic antioxidants and have been shown to provide antiinflammatory benefits as well. Below is a representative list of the phenolic antioxidants found in celery. .....
Digestive Tract Support
5. In addition to its antioxidant and antiinflammatory nutrients that help protect the digestive tract as a whole, celery contains pectinbased polysaccharides that can provide the stomach with special benefits. Weve become accustomed to thinking about polysaccharides as starchy molecules that are used by cells as a way to store up simple sugars. But there are other types of polysaccharides in plants, including the nonstarch, pectinbased polysacchari .....
Cardiovascular Support
6. Given the antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties of celery described earlier in this section, its not surprising to see the interest of researchers in the cardiovascular benefits of celery. Oxidative stress and inflammation in the bloodstream are critical problems in the development of many cardiovascular diseases, especially atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, most of the studies weve seen in this area have involved animals. Still, weve seen pr .....
Other Health Benefits
7. Because chronic oxidative stress and excessive inflammation are key risk factors for the development of many cancer types, its not surprising to see scientists interested in the potential benefits of celery intake for cancer prevention. While weve seen speculation about celery benefits for stomach cancer, colon cancer, and bladder cancer, weve been unable to find actual human research studies in any of these areas. Hopefully, future research stud .....
How to Select
8. Choose celery that looks crisp and snaps easily when pulled apart. It should be relatively tight and compact and not have stalks that splay out. The leaves should be pale to bright green in color and free from yellow or brown patches. Sometimes celery can have a condition called blackheart that is caused by insects. To check for damage, separate the stalks and look for brown or black discoloration. In addition, evaluate the celery to ensure that .....
How to store
9. We recommend a period of 57 days as a window of time for refrigeration of fresh celery. While some nutrients appear to be stable in whole, refrigerated celery for longer periods of time, several studies show greater losses of phenolic antioxidants in celery after this weeklong period. In addition, based on changes in flavonoid content, we also recommend that you wait to chop up your celery just before you are adding it to a salad or cooked dish ( .....
Tips for Preparing Celery
10. To clean celery, cut off the base and leaves, then wash the leaves and stalks under running water. Cut the stalks into pieces of desired length. If the outside of the celery stalk has fibrous strings, remove them by making a thin cut into one end of the stalk and peeling away the fibers. Be sure to use the leaves .....
Individual Concerns
11. Some health problems are related to a phenomenon called crossreactivity in which a person with environmental allergies also develops allergies to certain foods. In most of these cases, a small area on the surface of a food protein is exactly like a small area on a protein found in a plants pollen. If a persons immune system reacts to the pollen, it will react to the food as well. In the case of celery, researchers have identified a syndrome calle .....
Celery and Pesticide Residues
12. Virtually all municipal drinking water in the United States contains pesticide residues, and with the exception of organic foods, so do the majority of foods in the U.S. food supply. Even though pesticides are present in food at very small trace levels, their negative impact on health is well documented. The livers ability to process other toxins, the cells ability to produce energy, and the nerves ability to send messages can all be compromised .....
Nutritional Profile
13. Celery is a rich source of phenolic phytonutrients that have antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. These phytonutrients include: caffeic acid, caffeoylquinic acid, cinnamic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, kaempferol, lunularin, betasitosterol and furanocoumarins. Celery is an excellent source of vitamin K and molybdenum. It is a very good source of folate, potassium, dietary fiber, manganese, and pantothen .....
InDepth Nutritional Profile
14. The nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an indepth nutritional profile for Celery is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more. .....
Celery is a great choice if you are watching your weight
15. One large stalk contains only 10 calories! So, add celery to your shopping list and enjoy it in your salads, soups and stirfries. Celery is one of popular Mediterranean herbs recognized for its strong aromatic flavor that it imparts to variety of cuisines. It is a small biennial herbaceous plant originated in Europe. It can be grown easily as potherb in the homegardens for its flavorful leaves, shoots, root. .....
Celery reduces inflammation
16. Ifyou are suffering from joint pains, lung infections, asthma, or acne, eating more celery will bring muchneeded relief. celery belongs to the family of Apiaceae, in the genus; Apium, and known scientifically as Apium graveolens. It is a small plant; reaching about half a meter in height and requires fertile, moisture rich soil to flourish. .....
It helps you calm down
17. Celery for stressrelief? Oh yes! The minerals in celery, especially magnesium, and the essential oil in it, soothe the nervous system. If you enjoy a celerybased snack in the evening, you will sleep better. Celery herb bears umbelliform flowers at the top of the stalk in the second year. Edible cluster of long, darkgreen, somewhat hollow stalks grow upright from the crown of the plant. Its leaves have similar appearance to that of flatleaf parsle .....
Celery aids digestion
18. Some say celery tastes like crunchy water, and that is the reason it is so good for your digestive system. The high water content of celery, combined with the insoluble fiber in it, makes it a great tool for easy passage of stool. Note: because celery has diuretic and cleansing properties, those with diarrhea should avoid eating it. .....
It contains good salts
19. Celery does contain sodium, but it is not the same thing as table salt. The salt in celery is organic, natural and essential for your health. Chinese celery or oriental variety features thin, hollow, succulent stalks. Its leaves and stalks carry more intense flavor than the continental variety. .....
It cares for your eyes
20. One large stalk of celery can deliver up to 10 percent of your daily need for Vitamin A, a group of nutrients that protects the eyes and prevents agerelated degeneration of vision. Celery seeds, used as spice, are similar in appearance to cumin seeds. They feature darkbrown color, oblong shape with thin vertical ridges; and flavor that is strongly aromatic. .....
Celery reduces bad cholesterol
21. There is a component in celery calledbutylphthalide. It gives the vegetable its flavor and scent. Guess what: this component also reduces bad cholesterol!A Chicago University research shows that just two stalks of celery a day can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) by up to 7 points! .....
It lowers blood pressure
22. An active compound calledphthalides in celery has been proven to boost circulatory health. Raw, whole celery reduces high blood pressure. Celery is one of the very low calorie herbal plants. Its leaves carry only 16 calories per 100 g weight and contain lots of nonsoluble fiber (roughage) which when combined with other weight loss regimens may help reduce body weight, and blood cholesterol levels. .....
It can amp up your sex life
23. Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, Director of the Smeel and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, says two pheromones in celery .....
Celery can combat cancer
24. Two studies at the University of Illinois show that a powerful flavonoid in celery, called luteolin, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, especially in the pancreas. Another study suggests that the regular intake of celery could significantly delay the formation of breast cancer cells. .....
25. Celery is a very rich source of antioxidants. The vegetable contains the following phytonutrients: phenolic acids, flavonols, dihydrostilbenoids, flavones, furanocoumarins, and phytosterols. Its leaves are rich source of flavonoid antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, lutein, and betacarotene, which have been antioxidant, cancer protective and immuneboosting functions. For the same reason, celery has been acknowledged as a functional food. .....
Vitamins and minerals
26. Celery is very rich in vitamin K and also contains folate, vitamin A, potassium, and vitamin C. Its leaves are a good source of vitaminA. 100 g fresh celery comprises of 449 IU or 15% of dailyrequired levels of this vitamin. VitaminA and betacarotene are natural flavonoid antioxidants. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, and for night vision. Consumption of natural foods rich in flavonoids helps the body t .....
Dietary fiber
27. Despite being mainly water, celery also provides a fair amount of dietary fiber. The vegetable contains 1.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams. The herb is also rich in many vital vitamins, including folic acid (provides 9% of RDA), riboflavin, niacin and vitaminC, which are essential for optimum metabolism. .....
Potential health benefits of celery
28. The potential health benefits of celery (and its seeds) include: lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of cancer, and preventing agerelated degeneration of vision. Fresh celery is an excellent source of vitaminK, provides about 25% of DRI. VitaminK helps increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It also has established role in Alzheimers disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. .....
Lowering blood pressure
29. There is no strong evidence to suggest that celery seeds may help lower blood pressure among humans. However, a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food assessed the effect that celery (Apium graveolens) seed extracts have on blood pressure (BP) in normotensive and deoxycorticosterone acetateinduced hypertensive rats. The authors of the study concluded that celery seed extracts have antihypertensive properties, which appears to be attribu .....
Preventing cancer
30. Celery contains a flavanoid called luteolin. Researchers believe that this particular flavonoid may posses anticancer properties. The herb is a very good source of minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure. .....
Risks and precautions
31. Celery belongs to a small group of foods that can cause the most severe allergic reactions potentially causing fatal anaphylactic shock. Therefore, those who are allergic to the vegetable should be very cautious and check food labels (as even small traces of celery can cause reactions). .....
32. The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the bodys blood pH, neutralizing acidity. Its leaves and seeds contain many essential volatile oils that include terpenes, mostly limonene (75 to 80%), and the sesquiterpenes like ?selinene (10%) and humulene; however, its characteristic fragrance is due to chemical compounds known as phthalides (butylphthalid and its dihydro derivate sedanenolid) in them. .....
33. Celery juice acts as the perfect postworkout tonic as it replaces lost electrolytes and rehydrates the body with its rich minerals. Essential oil obtained from extraction of celery plant has been used as soothing remedy for nervousness, osteoarthritis, and goutyarthritis conditions. In addition, its seeds, and root have diuretic (removes excess water from the body through urine), galactogogue (help breast milk secretion), stimulant, and tonic pro .....
numurous health
34. This humble pale juice has been shown to effectively and significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Celery plant contains just 16 calories per 100 g of leaves and together with numerous health benefiting phytonutrients such as flavonoids, folate, vitaminA, vitaminK, minerals and other vitamins, has all the characters to consider it as one of the most valuable low calorie or negative calories weight loss functional foods. .....
Colon and stomach cancer
35. The phytochemical coumarins prevent the formation and development of the colon and stomach cancers. Celery also known as smallage is available in the markets during all the seasons. Its tender leaves and stems may be used any time during the season. However, in order to prepare dry leaves, its top 6 to 8 inches of growth is harvested during blooming. .....
36. The natural laxative effect of celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by manmade laxatives. In the store, buy fresh leaves and stem with bright green color and crispy in appearance. Avoid any slump, shriveled stems, dry, yellow, and spoiled leaves since they are out of flavor. .....
37. During dry and hot weather, drink a glass of celery juice two or three times a day, between meals. It wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature. Celeriac (Apium graveolens, Rapaceum Group) is a turniplike root plant closely related to and has similar growth habit and general appearance of celery. It features thick graybrown outer coat but white, aromatic flesh inside. The root celeriac, used as a vegetable, is quite popular in the United Ki .....
38. The potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it an important help to rid the body of excess fluid. Celery seeds usually employed either as whole seeds or powdered (ground), and mixed with salt to prepare celery salt. .....
39. The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis. Wash its leaves and stem in cold water in order to remove any surface dirt, fungicide, and pesticides. Since the herb is high in fiber contents, remove its tough stem ends and chop stem and leaves closely to cook thoroughly. Its leaf tops, root, as well as stems are being used in cooking in many European, a .....
Kidney function
40. Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body. While eliminating toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones. To prepare the root celeriac, trim off its top and base ends. Peel the outer tough skin using a paring knife. Cut into cubes or slice it and rinse soon in lemon or orange juice to prevent discoloration (oxidization). .....
41. The organic alkaline minerals in celery juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a wonderful drink for insomniacs. Wild celery has been used in medicines to reduce blood pressure, to relieve indigestion and as an antiinflammatory agent. It also used as a diuretic to remove excess water from the body. .....
Celery juice
42. Drink celery juice frequently throughout the day. It helps curb your cravings for sweets and rich food. The essential oils in the celery seeds, leaves, and root have been employed as carminative, emmenagogue, galactogogue (help breast milk secretion), nervous system ailments such as headache and nervous irritability. .....
Urinary stones breaking of
43. The diuretic effect of celery juice also aids the breaking and elimination of urinary and gall bladder stones. The herb, especially wild celery can cause serious anaphylactic reactions in some sensitive individuals. It should not be eaten by pregnant women. People on diuretic medications and anticoagulant medications should use this herb sparingly. .....
Consumption Tips
44. Choose green celery where possible for its chlorophyll. Ensure that the ribs are still firm, not limp. To store in the fridge, keep celery in a sealed container or wrap in a plastic bag. Do not leave it at room temperature for too long as it tends to wilt quickly. If your celery has wilted, sprinkle it with a little water and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. It will regain its crispness. .....
45. Celery is such a succulent plant that it produces its own pesticide to protect itself from fungi. This protective layer is called psoralens which although protects the celery, may not go down so well with some people. Some people with low blood pressure had complained that celery makes their blood pressure even lower. I personally didnt encounter that problem so I believe it is also your overall makeup. But, you might want to avoid celery if you .....
How does it work
46. It is thought that the chemicals in celery act to cause sleepiness, increase urine to decrease fluid retention, decrease arthritis symptoms, decrease blood pressure, decrease blood sugar, decrease blood clotting, and muscle relaxation. .....
Celery is a plant of the Apiaceae family
47. Celery is a plant of the Apiaceae family, and is a plant, consumed as a vegetable, that can be found throughout the world, and as an integral part of certain cultures cuisine. Its origins most likely trace back to the Mediterranean and North African areas, since what is believed to be a rudimentary variety of species of celery was found in King Tuts tomb, and a plant closely resembling celery is reference multiple times in Mediterranean myth and .....
Celery contain pthalides
48. Celery contains pthalides, which are organic chemical compounds that can lower the level of stress hormones in your blood. This allows your blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more room to move, thereby reducing pressure. When blood pressure is reduced, it puts less stress on the entire cardiovascular system, and reduces the chances of developing atherosclerosis, or suffering from a heart attack or a stroke. .....
49. Celery seeds help in the elimination of uric acid because it is commonly used for its diuretic properties, meaning that it stimulates urination. Therefore, celery is good for people with bladder disorders, kidney problems, cystitis, and other similar conditions. Celery seeds also assist in preventing urinary tract infections in women. .....
Healthy joints
50. Celery is great for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism and gout. It had antiinflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and pain around the joints. Celery sticks also act as a diuretic, which helps to remove uric acid crystals that build up around the bodys joints that can add to the pain and discomfort of frequent joint use. It can also increase the regrowth of tissue in inflamed joints. .....
Contains coumarins
51. Celery contains phthalides, flavonoids, and polyacetylenes. These cancerfighting components detoxify carcinogens. Celery also contains coumarins that enhance the activity of certain white blood cells, which can effectively stave off cancer as well. These antioxidant components seek out free radicals floating in the body and damaging organs and neutralize them before they can result in the development of serious conditions like cancer. .....
Vitamins c
52. Celery is rich in vitamin C, which greatly boosts the strength of the immune system. Stimulated by the activity of other antioxidants in celery, it becomes more active and efficient. Because of the high content of vitamin C in celery, eating it regularly can reduce your risk of catching the common cold, as well as protecting you against a variety of other diseases. .....
Reduces Asthma Symptoms
53. VitaminC prevents free radical damage and it also has antiinflammatory properties that lessen the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma. Its stalks also has very high quantities of soluble as well as insoluble fiber contents. Eating recipes with too much of fiber content may cause stomachpain, indigestion, bloating, and oftentimes complicates existing constipation condition. .....
Contains organic chemicals
54. The notable presence of vitamin C, fiber, and other organic chemicals in the roots of celery promotes cardiovascular health. celery seed is used mostly as a diuretic, meaning it helps your body get rid of too much water by increasing urine output. Celery seed is also sometimes used for treating arthritis and gout, and to help reduce muscle spasms, calm the nerves, and reduce inflammation. Source: Celery seed | University of Maryland Medical Cent .....
Diuretic activity
55. Celery is rich in both sodium and potassium, and both of these minerals help to regulate the fluid balance in the body. Potassium also acts as a vasodilator, reducing blood pressure. A few animal studies suggest that celery seed extracts may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as protect the liver from damaging substances such as high doses of the pain reliever acetaminophen (Tylenol). But again, researchers dont know whether that .....
Relief from migraines
56. The presence of coumarins can provide relief from migraines. The exact mechanism isnt completely understood, but research points to a suppression of Nitric Oxide release in the brain which can cause headaches and migraines. .....
Treats rheumatism
57. Celery extracts, which contain 85% 3nB, are effective for treating arthritis and muscular pains. In humans, researchers have found that people who eat a diet rich in lutein found in celery, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, oranges, carrots, and greens were less likely to develop colorectal cancer. However, celery was just one part of their diet. So no one knows whether it was celery, another food, or some combination of foods that lowered .....
Diabetes Health
58. Celery leaves are also eaten for treating diabetic conditions, particularly because they are high in fiber, which has been shown to help manage diabetic symptoms. The celery plant is slender and stands about 2 3 feet tall. It has 3 5 segmented leaves and flowers with small white petals. Celery seeds, which are found in the flowers, are very small, tan to dark brown, and have a strong, pleasant smell. .....
Relief from ophthalmological diseases
59. Dripping celery tea drops on eyelids is good for certain ophthalmological conditions, and can improve your eye health, reduce your chances of developing cataracts, and protects you against macular degeneration. Celery seeds contain several substances including volatile oils; flavonoids, antioxidants that give plants their colors and may protect cells from damage; coumarins, chemicals that help thin the blood; and linoleic acid, an omega6 fatty ac .....
Other benefits
60. Celery acts as an antioxidant as well, and in truth, all parts of celery including the seeds, roots and leaves can be used.Eating celery regularly helps to avoid diseases of the kidney, pancreas, liver and gallbladder; neuritis, constipation, asthma, high blood pressure, catarrh, pyorrhea and dropsy, mental exhaustion, acidosis, anemia, obesity and tuberculosis. It also helps in the overall health and strength of teeth. .....
61. Add chopped celery leaves to vegetables or meat of your choice. Add salt and crushed pepper to the salad. For dressing, drizzle lime juice and olive oil. The use of herbs is a timehonored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, can have side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, under the supervision of a health care provider. .....
Fruit salad
62. Mix a sliced apples, nuts such as peanuts raisins etc with chopped celery leaves in a bowl. Mix orange juice with mayonnaise and drizzle it over the mixture. Pregnant women should not use celery seed because it may lead to uterine bleeding and muscle contractions in the uterus, which could cause miscarriage. .....
63. Add celery stalks and leaves to soups, gravies etc. Some of the chemicals in celery stems and seeds can cause the skin to become very sensitive to the suns UV rays. Use sunscreen or sunblock lotions. Dont take celery seeds from a garden packet. These seeds have usually been treated with chemicals. .....
Word of caution
64. Celery seeds contain volatile oils, flavonoids, coumarins and linoleic acid and are therefore not good for pregnant women because they may cause contractions in the uterus. Other than that, eat as many of those crunchy, green, and healthy stalks as you can! .....
Bladder infections
65. With loads of analgesic, antiinflammatory and diuretic compounds, as well as some calcium blockers, celery seed extracts seem appropriate for treating bladder infections. few studies of celery seed, researchers dont really know whether it interacts with other herbs and medications. However, people who take these medicines should ask their doctor before taking celery seed. .....
Fungal infections
66. Celery is naturally resistant to pathogens during storage because it contains a melting pot of fungicides, with more than two dozen already identified. If youre prone to fungal infections or currently battling one, eat a celery stalk a day to keep those microbes in check. .....
67. The COX2 inhibitors present in celery and celery seeds are also good at reducing uric acid levels, which are the cause of gout attacks. Either eating four celery stalks or taking two to four tablets of celery seed extract daily can even eliminate gout attacks. Or you might try preparing a tea by pouring boiling water over 1 teaspoon of freshly crushed celery seeds and letting it steep for 10 to 20 minutes before drinking it. If you have a juicer, .....
Hay fever
68. Celery comes on top of the list for foods that alleviate allergy symptoms. Also on that list are carrots, ginger, peppermint, parsley, turmeric, chamomile and cabbage. Celery seed also acts like a diuretic, so it could make the effects of these medications stronger, raising the risk of dehydration. .....
High blood pressure
69. Phytochemical compound present in celery, called coumarins, are able to tone the vascular system, lowering blood pressure and may even be useful in cases of migraines. Celery seed contains chemicals that may thin the blood. That could make the effects of these medications stronger, raising the risk of bleeding. Bloodthinners include aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), and clopidogrel (Plavix). .....
70. Hungarians have long used celery to calm indigestion and Germanys Commission E, a government agency that evaluates the safety and efficacy of medicinal herbs, has approved its use for dyspepsia. It contains two dozen painkillers, more than two dozen antiinflammatories, 11 antiulcer compounds and more than two dozen sedatives to complement the activities of its three carminative compounds (carminatives are herbs or preparations that prevent or fac .....
Memory loss
71. Celery contains a compound called luteolin, which has shown promise for lowering levels of plaqueforming proteins in the brain. This, in turn, can counteract risk factors for Alzheimers, including atherosclerosis, inflammation and oxidative damage. .....
Menopausal symptoms
72. Celery, along with dill, fennel, anise and all tasty herbs of the celery family, are amongst the list of mildly estrogenic herbs, due to the gently estrogenic phtyochemical anethole. They all have 40 to 50 phytochemicals and are a mix of anethole, apigenin, kaempferol, luteolin and quercitin. All these compounds are very good at alleviating all menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, and contribute to preventing heart disease and osteoporosis b .....
73. Celery is a well known vegetable for stimulating the immune system to help fight disease. Celery is packed with antioxidants and compounds that fight bacteria, viruses and inflammation. Celery seed may interact with lithium, thyroid medications, and sedatives. .....
Provides Calcium
74. Celery seeds are considered to be a rich source of the mineral calcium. Calcium is necessary for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It is particularly important for children to receive sufficient calcium, as their bones are developing rapidly. Calcium is also required for proper muscle contractions. Inadequate intake of calcium in earlier years can lead to osteoporosis in later life. .....
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