ayurvedic medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

71. Psyllium
Psyllium husk (E), Isaphgul (H), Isabgol (H), Blond psyllium (E):

Asvakarna means 'horse's ear' and relates to the shape of the small pink seed resembling the equine ear. Psyllium is a very useful demulcent bulk laxative for treating constipation from dryness.

Digestion As a bulking agent it helps to relieve both constipation and diarrhoea. The husk soaked with milk is used for constipation and water or buttermilk for diarrhoea. The roasted seeds are used for diarrhoea and dysentery and have been shown to be effective against different species of Entamoeba. It helps to absorb mucus and bacteria in inflammatory intestinal conditions. It drags toxins and worms out of the alimentary canal. It is salutary for treating peptic and duodenal ulcers Lungs As a soothing demulcent it can ease the dryness of vataja coughs and facilitates expectoration. Urinary The sympathetic reflex of mucus production between the intestinal tract and lungs is continued into the urinary system where painful urination is eased. Blood fats and sugars Its soluble fibre content has been used to reduce LDL cholesterol when used at 15g per day for 30 days. It has also been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus, showing potential use in controlling blood sugar levels in hyperglycaemia.
72. Punarnava
Indian hogweed (E), Gadhapurana (H):

Punarnava means 'one that renews the old body'. Its rejuvenative action works via its opening and cleansing activity allowing effective nourishment to reach the tissues. It is a superb diuretic and it benefits the heart.

Heart Fluid congestion, cardiac oedema, general oedema from heart function deficiency. Laboured breathing from the resultant congestion in the chest is eased. By clearing the excess of avalambaka and kledhaka kapha from the chest and stomach it clears the channels of obstructions. It is especially beneficial for allowing rasa and rakta, the circulatory fluids, to flow unimpeded. Hence punarnava is a rejuvenative and increases ojas. Kidneys Any symptoms of nephritis or impaired urinary function. It is used in bladder infections and systemic oedema. A superb herb for reducing excess fluids, swelling, oedema and congestion from excess kapha. Specifically useful in ascites, congestive heart conditions and arthritic swellings with pitting and coldness. Digestion It increases the digestive fire and is useful in a sluggish digestive system. It absorbs fluids from the digestive system and can be constipating. It prevents intestinal spasms and pain helping to treat flatulence, bloating and worms. Also traditionally used for treating the kapha-type of anaemia where kapha obstructs the raktadhatvagni resulting in low quality and quantity of blood. Diabetes Punarnava's ability to reduce medas dhatu and normalise mutravahasrotas is utilised in the treatment of diabetes. Arthritis Punarnava can effectively treat swollen joints with fluid retention with pitting from a kapha imbalance by moving toxic accumulations out of the joints and tissues and excreting them via the kidneys and urine. Beneficial in gout and arthritis. Gynaecology As it helps to prevent the breakdown of the blood-clotting protein fibrin, it can be used in menorrhagia and excessive menstrual bleeding. The punarnavoside is considered to be the antifibrinolytic agent .
73. Pushkaramoola
Indian elecampane (E), Poharmool (H):

This hardy perennial is in the same family as Europe's elecampane (Inula helenium). Pushkaramoola literally means 'lotus root' and is a big-rooted, aromatic tonic with a specific affinity for the heart, lungs and digestive tract.

Heart Angina, heart pain, high blood pressure from high vata and kapha. All chest pain and heart disease from ischaemia. Human clinical trials have suggested that it acts like betablockers. Lungs Its hot, bitter and pungent qualities alleviate the congestion of pranavahasrotas in bronchitis and asthma with white and frothy mucus and a productive cough. It acts as an antispasmodic and helps to relieve wheezing. Also specifically recommended for pleurisy (prasavasu-la) and any type of damp, kapha lung problems (Astan. ga Hr.daya Samhita, Bhavaprakas´a). In colds with underlying vata and kapha (feeling cold, shivers, phlegm, aches in the muscles, loss of appetite) its upward and outward nature can help to induce a sweat, digest the ama and restore the digestive fire to the stomach. Digestion Its pungent, bitter flavour enkindles the appetite and can be used in low agni and malabsorption, which are the root causes of excessive phlegm. It is also used for general digestive discomfort, indigestion, flatulence, and sluggishness. Its strong aromatic nature opposes dampness, regulates samana vayu and fragrantly dries the watery residues. It also reduces ama and undigested toxins. Specifically recommended for hiccups as it regulates vata in the intestines and lungs. Gynaecology It is used to strengthen the flow of blood to the uterus and ease menstrual problems with underlying weakness and low strength. It can benefit dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea.
74. Rhubarb
Rhubarb root (E), Revand chini (H):

Growing in the Himalayas, this powerful laxative is an invaluable herbal remedy for intestinal congestion, bleeding and blood toxicity.

Digestion Rhubarb root has an affinity for purisavahasrotas and is used in both constipation and diarrhoea; its action is dosedependent. The anthroquinones purge the bowel while the tannins astringe and maintain its tone. As a laxative it takes about 8 hours to work and should be combined with antispasmodic herbs to prevent griping. Beneficial in clearing the high pitta and kapha that manifests in dysentery and other damp-heat symptoms with blood and mucus in the stool. Used in postfever constipation to clear ama. Also used to clear abdominal swelling. Liver Its affinity for rakta dhatu and bitter flavour make it a useful cholagogue. It can be used in acute hepatitis and cirrhosis with heat and liver congestion. It may be useful as part of a programme that purges small (<0.5mm) gallstones from the gall bladder. Do this only under the guidance of a qualified herbalist. Cholesterol Reduces cholesterol (LDL) and it is also used to treat obesity. Gynaecology Clears adhesions and clots in pitta–kapha problems; endometriosis, fibroids and dysmenorrhoea. Also used in vaginal infections and STDs. Mucous membranes Its tropism for rasa dhatu make it a specific for mouth ulcers and ulceration of the whole GIT (anti- Helicobacter pylori) with pitta signs. Bleeding Stops bleeding from heat in rakta pitta conditions; haemorrhoids, ulcers, haematuria, melaena. Cancer Useful adjunct to treatment to clear tumours, ama and to remove toxins from the bowel.
75. Rose
Rose (E), Gulab (H):

Rose petals treat the heart and nerves, and lift the spirits. They have an affinity for the blood and, like all Rosaceae family, have a certain astringency that stops bleeding and reduces inflammation. S´ata-patr? - literally means the 'hundred-petalled'.

Gynaecology Its affinity for the blood and rakta dhatu make it useful in excessive menstrual bleeding, vaginal infections and inflammation. It clears pitta from the uterus and blood and is used in dysmenorrhoea, metrorrhagia, endometriosis and fibroids. It is specific for use in the menstrual cycle, during the final flare of the pitta phase from day 14 to 28, and can help to alleviate PMS symptoms associated with irritability, emotional sensitivity and heat. Its action on s´ukra dhatu enhances sexual desire and fertility. Very useful during menopause with hot flushes; use a rosewater spray for instantaneous cooling. Nerves Rose's nourishing effect on majja dhatu make it useful for nervous depression and anxiety. Its cooling quality can reduce symptoms of high pitta; red tongue tip, agitation, palpitations and headaches behind the eyes. It opens the heart chakra, anahata, thus increasing patience, compassion and love. Skin Roses are a specific for inflamed eyelids. They are a useful face wash for astringing the skin and clearing acne. Also used in inflammatory and suppurating skin conditions; eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, itching and irritation. Digestion Good for ulcers, inflammation, acidity, enteritis and heartburn. Its astringent flavour is useful in diarrhoea from heat (use a high dose). Roses can help with fat metabolism and hence help to reduce blood lipid levels. Reproduction Its calming effect on the emotions and the heart are complemented by its aphrodisiac effect. Its sweet vipaka helps to increase semen, sexual interest and fertility.
76. Safed Musali
White musali (E), Musi (H):

Like most members of the Asparagus genus safed musali is considered to be a fertility tonic which nourishes the tissues of the mind, nervous and reproductive systems.

Reproduction As it directly nourishes the s´ukra dhatu it is used as a sweet tonic and rejuvenative for the reproductive system. It treats infertility, premature ejaculation, impotence and low sperm count. It also nourishes artavahasrotas and promotes healthy ovulation in women. Gynaecology Useful during pregnancy as a nutritive tonic for mother and fetus. Post-partum it replenishes lost fluids, prana, ojas and improves the quantity and flow of breast milk. It is also used in chronic leucorrhoea. Digestion Its sweet and unctuous properties treat intestinal inflammation caused by dysentery and food intolerances. All cases of high pitta benefit. It softens the stool and may be helpful in pittaja types of haemorrhoids. Urine Its cooling and soothing effects are beneficial for mutravahasrotas and conditions involving aggravated pitta with painful and malodorous urination.
77. Safflower
Safflower (E):

These beautiful red flowers have a direct affinity for the blood. Use it when there are signs of stagnant blood in the heart, uterus or externally on bruised skin.

Gynaecology It has a tropism for artava dhatu and the uterus that rectifies menstrual pain that is fixed in one place with clots, amenorrhoea or endometriosis. It treats delayed or lack of menses caused by obstructions in the pelvic cavity due to high kapha and pitta. Trauma For bruises, strains and stiff ligaments use a tincture internally and externally. Heart Its affinity for rakta dhatu benefits the heart and chest pain, ischaemic heart disease and angina. It has been used to help normalise cholesterol levels Skin Its positive effect on stagnant blood normalises bhrajaka pitta and treats supperative rashes and measles. Very useful for spider naevi spreading over the skin; use internally and as an external tincture application. It is also considered to be antifungal as a wash. Tumours It is used to remove static, palpable and unpalpable masses from the body. Bleeding In bleeding conditions caused by high pitta ; it should only be used at a low dose for this and when bleeding is caused by overflowing out of the channels due to a blockage. At a high dose outside the recommended
78. Saffron
Saffron (E), Kesar (H):

In India saffron is cultivated in Kashmir and when it is flowering it fills the fields with a fantastic red glow. It is a small perennial growing to about 20cm with violet leaves and each flower producing three stamens. It takes about 160 flowers to produce 1g of dried saffron. Think gynaecology, blood, heart and reproduction when using saffron.

Gynaecology It has a nourishing effect on rasa dhatu and an invigorating action on the blood. This can help to bring on delayed menses and increase the flow. It is also used in dysmenorrhoea. It is a wonderful tonic herb that nourishes the deeper tissues. Use with any fertility problems with s´ukra dhatu deficiency or obstruction. Anaemia Its affinity for the blood and rakta dhatu is complemented by its ability to increase haemoglobin levels. This connection with the blood helps alleviate other symptoms that can arise from anaemia such as heart conditions with pain and liver congestion. Heart Its positive effects on rasa and rakta dhatu actively encourages blood flow through the circulatory system. It is indicated in angina and cardiac congestion. Reproduction It is a renowned aphrodisiac herb that can help treat impotence and low libido. It rejuvenates the s´ukra dhatu and nourishes the reproductive tissues. Nerves Its nourishing effects subtly feed the nervous and reproductive tissues indicating its use for debilitating and degenerative diseases. Use when there is vata disturbance, depression, majja dhatu deficiency and general nervous debility. Urine It goes directly to mutravahasrotas and a cold infusion is beneficial for painful urination. External As a paste it helps to alleviate discoloration of the skin, acne and eczema. It can also be applied to the forehead to clear headaches caused by vata and cold.
79. Salt
Salt: rock, sea, black, Sambar:

Found in Sea.

Digestion Salt stimulates digestion by increasing digestive enzymes and so benefits low appetite and indigestion. It also works directly on the taste receptors and clarifies the sense of taste. Higher doses can work as a laxative or emetic. The yogic practice of sankhapraksalana and satkarma utilises the osmotic properties of salt to draw toxins out of the mucous membranes prior to purgation (Swami Satyananda). Lungs Salt has the ability to liquefy mucus and kapha in the lungs. It dislodges deep-seated phlegm and facilitates expectoration (Bhavaprakasa). Tumours Salt has the specific ability to dissolve masses, lumps and tumours in the body. As it clears the channels it removes obstructions. Care must be taken when treating these conditions with salt due to its tendency to cause water retention. Its iodine content (especially found in sea salt) plays a part in preventing goitre. Nerves Helps to settle the nerves by descending vata and calming the emotions.
80. Sandalwood
White sandalwood (E):

Sandalwood is famed for its cooling fragrance and aroma. It is used for cooling pitta and clearing heat from the urinary, digestive and respiratory systems.

Chest When there is stagnation and tightness in the thoracic region sandalwood can clear pain and encourage the flow of prana and vyana vayu. It clears the airways obstructed with phlegm as it dries high kapha and regulates nervous spasmodic cough in high vata. Its antibacterial properties clear infection. Sandalwood is used with any aggravation in the heart with anxiety, inflammation or congestion affecting heart rhythm. Digestion It cools inflammation of the intestines and regulates samana vayu by encouraging a smooth digestive process. It treats colitis, enteritis, ulcers and dysentery with signs of pitta and kapha; bleeding, heat, mucus and inflammation. Its bitter and aromatic nature help the flow of ran˜ jaka pitta through the liver. Nerves The aromatic nature of sandalwood is immediately calming to an aggravated nervous system; it balances vyana vayu and cools sadhaka pitta, making it useful for treating depression and mental imbalance. It cools any excessive 'heat' in the nervous system from excessive exposure to the sun, fire, emotions, etc. Useful in headaches from high pitta with pain behind the eyes radiating along the temples, sensitivity to light, aggravated by irritation and heat (coffee, acidic foods, sour, salty, pungent flavours). Skin Useful in skin formulas, externally and internally. It relieves the inflammation and itching of pitta and kapha on the skin. Used for any burning sensation, redness, swelling; eczema, acne, urticaria (Caraka). It specifically helps to stop bleeding anywhere in the body and alleviates sensations of burning and heat. Urine Sandalwood is excreted via the mutravahasrotas and can be used for burning and dark urine as it soothes an irritated bladder and urethra.