ayurvedic medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

21. Chitraka
White leadwort (E), Chita (H):

Chitraka means the 'spotted one', perhaps referring to its namesake, the spotted leopard, who speedily catches its prey just as chitraka rapidly cures diseases. It is also known as agni meaning 'fire' or jvala meaning 'flame'. It is a very hot-natured herb and should be used sparingly. It strongly increases the digestive fire.

Digestion Deficient digestion (mandagni) with flatulence and diarrhoea with cold signs of watery stools and aversion to cold due to excessive kapha and vata. Its solar quality absorbs water and dries excess fluids in the intestines. It kills parasites. It is used in haemorrhoids with congestion in the apanaksetra and is a specific for non-bleeding (vata-kapha) piles . It is a superb rasayana for agni assisting with absorption of nutrients and treating abdominal pain and bloating. Joints Specific for s´lesaka kapha and ama in the joints; cold, wet, damp type arthritis with pain, swelling, pitting and water retention . Nerves A depressed nervous system is stimulated by small amounts. It activates the movement of vata that is stagnated due to congestion of kapha or weakness. Respiratory Used in chronic and acute rhinitis from cold.
22. Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum (E), Indian chrysanthemum (E), Gundandi (H):

Sevanti derives from the word seva meaning 'service' as it encourages humility and devotion. Its lightness balances the heavy intensity of pitta. Its sweet aroma awakens the heart and cools the agitation of an imbalanced pitta. It goes straight to the eyes and skin via the liver.

Lungs Acute upper respiratory infections with heat; sore throat, fever, thirst, headaches, general malaise. It can be useful in reducing fevers through mild diaphoresis. Eyes Chrysanthemum morifolium is a specific remedy for eye inflammation, swelling, redness, dryness and itching as it regulates alocaka and ran˜jaka pitta. Specifically indicated for conjunctivitis, styes and inflamed eyelids from eczema and red eyes. It makes the eyes bright and beautiful . Liver Its mild, bitter taste increases liver function and its gentle sweetness 'smoothes' the flow of pitta between the stomach (amas´aya) and liver (yakrt). It is indicated in bilious conditions, sour taste in the mouth and hypochondrial pain under the ribs. Nerves Used to reduce hypertension and stress from high pitta or irritation. When vata pushes pitta to the head and they mix together, headaches, dizziness and insomnia can occur. Used on the emotional level for clearing the heat of anger. Skin Chrysanthemum indica is very bitter and is used for hot, inflamed and suppurating skin problems caused by aggravated pitta and kapha.
23. Cinnamon
Cinnamon (E), Ceylon cinnamon (E), Cassia (E), Dalchini (H):

Twak means 'skin' or 'bark'; the bark of the cinnamon tree is used in ayurvedic medicine as a major digestive herb. As a bark protects a tree, cinnamon protects and strengthens the intestines.

Lungs Colds, cough, sinus congestion, bronchitis with excess avalambaka kapha; it clears mucus and encourages the circulation of vata throughout the respiratory system. Use it as a hot decoction to clear ama in fevers by encouraging sweating . Digestion Cold digestion, slow digestion and mandagni in kapha and vata types. Increases agni and regulates samana vayu to treat flatulence and colic. Can be useful in diarrhoea with loose and watery motions with undigested food in the stool. Cinnamon has an antifungal activity and may be used in Candida albicans and imbalanced intestinal flora (WHO 1999). Circulation Cold extremities, Raynaud's syndrome, arthritis; cinnamon stimulates vyana vayu and pushes circulation to the joints. Its warm, dry and light qualities help to clear excess s´lesmaka kapha and ama from the joints. These effects can also be of use in cardiac insufficiency with cold extremities, difficulty breathing, fluid accumulation and tiredness. Urine Frequent urination; nocturia caused by cold is treated by cinnamon's hot and dry qualities. Its ability to penetrate deep into the tissues coupled with its sweet quality give it an ability to nourish the reproductive system (s´ukra dhatu) and treat infertility and male impotence. Gynaecology Dysmenorrhoea; excellent antispasmodic used 3–4 days prior to period in kapha–vata types. It has an ironic action used to treat both amenorrhoea and menorrhagia; its blood-invigorating, warming and penetrating properties can be utilised in wet and stagnant conditions in the pelvic cavity; ovarian cysts, fibroids and endometriosis. Its drying astringency comes to the fore if there is uterine bleeding (Bone 1996, Paranjpe 2001).
24. Cloves
Cloves (E), Lavang (H):

Cloves are the dried flower buds of this evergreen tree. They have very effective antiseptic and fungal properties that benefit digestion.

Digestion Weak, sluggish digestion with pain, flatulence and lack of interest in food. Increases agni without aggravating pitta if used moderately. Specifically used for nausea; its aromatic quality settles excess vata and kapha. Use a cold infusion to settle nausea during pregnancy. May be used to treat a wide range of bacterial and fungal conditions such as Candida albicans. Lungs Congested lungs; disperses prana vayu. Expels phlegm in cough, asthma, bronchitis and pleurisy. Specific in laryngitis and sore throats. Helps to prevent spasmodic coughs. Its ability to reduce ama helps in clearing fevers. Reproduction Low sex drive, impotence, premature ejaculation and vaginal discharge. Cloves Remove excess kapha in artava and s´ukravahasrotas . Pain Specific for toothache; use essential oil applied to the gums or tooth. Apply the essential oil externally to relieve headaches, arthritic pain, areas of poor circulation and back pain.
25. Coleus
Coleus (E):

Coleus is a small perennial plant that grows on the lower foothills of India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. It has received much scientific interest in recent years and is now renowned for its beneficial effect on the skin, heart, on blood pressure and glaucoma.

Eyes Specific use for glaucoma; it reduces intraocular pressure. Heart Coleus improves heart function and may benefit congestive heart failure. It also reduces blood pressure at the doses necessary to enhance the heart function. Lungs It acts as an effective bronchodilator. Thyroid May stimulate thyroid activity. Allergies Used for allergic conditions, asthma, hayfever, eczema. As these conditions are marked by low cAMP and high platelet activating factor (PAF) levels Coleus forskohlii is specifically indicated. Psoriasis This is also a condition marked by low cAMP levels and benefits from increased levels of the enzyme.
26. Coriander
Coriander (E), Cilantro (E), Dhaniya (H):

This popular Indian curry ingredient is also an invaluable medicine; it soothes an irritated digestive system and cools any burning sensations in the body. Its sweet aroma can subtly lift the spirits. Dhanya-ka is a proper noun also meaning 'rich'.

Digestion Coriander seed is an excellent remedy for promoting pitta digestion as it enkindles agni but does not aggravate acidity. It can be used safely when there is inflammation in the digestive system and when agni needs strengthening. It is a useful carminative herb prescribed in IBS and colic. Both the leaf and seed are used for digestion to clear flatulence, griping and bloating. The powder of the seed is used for worms in children. Urinary Acold infusion of the seeds is very useful for draining heat out of the urinary system. Useful in cystitis, dysuria and cloudy urine. Also beneficial in the hot type of diabetes (pittaja prameha) and for helping to reduce hot flushes. Allergies The juice of the leaf is used externally for allergic rashes and internally for allergic rhinitis from pitta . It specifically clears toxins from the blood. Lungs Its antispasmodic and expectorant properties help to clear mucus from the lungs. Heavy metals The leaf is used to help facilitate the safe excretion of heavy metals and other environmental toxins including lead, arsenic and mercury. Only use drop-by-drop doses and it must be accompanied by an intestinal heavy metal toxin absorption agent, such as chlorella. Fever As the seeds are a mild diaphoretic it can help to alleviate a fever by allowing the displaced agni, pitta and ama to be released through the skin and the urine.
27. Cumin
Cumin seed (E), Jira (H):

This small shrubby annual thrives in dry conditions. It counteracts dampness and excessively wet conditions in the body. Its Sanskrit name literally means 'promoting digestion' and it is a superb addition to any formula when there is a compromised digestive system.

Digestion One of the best herbs for digestive sluggishness. Used as a flavouring in cooking to help the absorption of nutrients. Specifically implicated in bloating, gurgling, slow digestion from disturbed vata and kapha. Also of benefit if vata is rebelling upwards and causing nausea or indigestion. It corrects the flow of vata and directs the wind downwards. Its heating post-digestive property implies that it absorbs fluids from the large intestine; it is constipative when there is diarrhoea. Lungs Because it digests ama it can be of use in counteracting catarrh and excess avalambaka kapha on the chest. It regulates the movement of udana and prana vayu in the chest and helps to relieve tightness. Gynaecology Its direct effect on rasa dhatu sends its beneficial properties straight to the uterus and female reproductive system. It reduces uterine inflammation and pain and also dries any excess discharge. Like many Umbelliferae family seeds it benefits stanyasrotas and the production of breast milk.
28. Damanaka
Mugwort (E), Davana (H):

This common roadside herb is very warming and has an affinity for the blood and the female reproductive system. Damanaka literally means 'subduing' as it tames disease.

Gynaecology Specific herb for menorrhagia when this excessive bleeding is caused by coldness, i.e. an excess of kapha and/or vata in the uterus. Useful in all cold conditions of the lower abdomen where cold congeals and creates dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis or fibroids. Used to prevent miscarriage when caused by coldness. It can also be used as a douche for vaginal discharge and kapha symptoms. Digestion It acts as an antispasmodic in the intestines for vatalike cramps. It regulates the flow of s´amana vata. Its affinity for the apanaksetra and the lower abdomen benefits all vata or nervous related symptoms in this area . Heart Damanaka's action on the blood helps to nourish the heart and strengthen the contractile force of the cardiac system. This positive effect on circulation can ease muscular pain. External Specific treatment using fresh leaf poultice to remove warts. Also beneficial in a skin cream or as a wash for itchy skin.
29. Daruharidra
Indian berberry (E), Daruhaldi (H), Darvi (H):

Daruharidra means 'tree turmeric' after its yellow-coloured roots and trunk visible after the bark is peeled from this thorny bush. It is a remarkable remedy for regulating the liver and clearing high pitta from the system.

Liver As an effective cholagogue it helps to protect the liver from toxic damage. It can be used in liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and also in 'sluggish liver', characterised by low appetite, anorexia and constipation. It effectively regulates ran˜jaka pitta and works directly on the rakta dhatu and blood. It is a specific herb for treating imbalanced rakta dhatu agni. Its effect on the liver also helps to treat aggravated alocaka pitta in the eyes in such conditions as styes and conjunctivitis. Skin Used for all skin problems with inflammation, redness and bleeding; eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections with aggravated bhrajaka pitta. As an effective diaphoretic it helps to release aggravated kapha via the skin. It is used as part of the treatment in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Piles It is a specific herb for kapha and pitta piles. Diabetes It is used with turmeric as part of a formula for diabetes as berberine works directly on the pancreas. This combination is called haridra dvaya or 'the two turmerics'.
30. Devadaru
Himalayan cedar wood (E), Deodar (H):

This hardy tree thrives in the high altitude of the western Himalayas. It means 'wood of the gods'. The inner wood is aromatic and is also distilled into essential oil. The outer bark is astringent and is used for diarrhoea and neuralgic pain.

Digestion Used in digestive distension from weak digestion. As it alleviates vata it can reduce intestinal spasms and cramping by relaxing the nervous system and easing flatulence. Very useful in digestive disturbance from nervous tension, it can clear constipation by relaxing and lubricating the bowel. Its hot resinous nature is beneficial for reducing ama from the intestines and excess weight and cholesterol from medas-dhatu. Lungs Its bitter and pungent flavour is the perfect combination to remove kapha; it dries the excess mucus and therefore helps to clear the wet stagnation. Its snigdha and unctuous property loosens phlegm and facilitates expectoration helping to alleviate kapha and dry excess mucus. It is also used when there are fevers that are affecting breathing. Pain Devadaru is an excellent anti-inflammatory that relieves cold, spasm and contraction in the muscles. Its pungent and warm properties increase circulation and relax muscular tension. Use in arthritis, sciatica, headache and pain from high vata.