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Benefits of Cassava Root

Benefits of Cassava


Benefits of Cassava Root

Cassava root is a veritable storehouse of carbohydrates and it is the third largest carbohydrate source used for meals throughout the globe. This root can be used as a substitute for potatoes in cooking. Cassava has a unique and distinct flavor that like potatoes, complements the taste of the food being cooked. And it is highly versatile as an ingredient, it can be used as fries, chips, boiled, etc. Potatoes are healthy but they do contribute to constipation and are inflammatory foods, whereas the cassava root is completely opposite in effect.


Where it Grows
Climate and origin
High amounts of dietary fiber
How is it promoted for use
Rich in Carbohydrates
Considerations and Serving Tips
Nutritional profile
Cassava root
How to store Cassava
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