tips to improve your life

Tips to Improve Your Life

Easy Ways to Improve Your Life Today.
21. Learn the Truth About Baby Carrots
Baby carrots not really young carrots! They are also less nutritious and less flavorful than regular carrots.
22. Try Quick and Painless Ways to Kill Distractions
Are you spending more time dealing with emails, IMs, phone calls, and random stray files than actually working? Here are ten actions you can do right now to kill distractions and get back to work.
23. Reduce Your Carbon Emissions
The most important lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your carbon emissions are listed here.
24. Put the Action Method Into Practice
After a couple years of studying how creative people stay organized, we developed a simple and easily customized method for managing projects. A good portion of 2006 was spent putting the Action Method into practice.
25. Gently End Procrastination
Need an easy way to remind you when you should be working and when you should be playing? Try using teaming up Flextime with Growl
26. Get the Most Out of Your RSS Reader
Seven simple tips for getting your feeds under control.
27. Use Catchphrases to Change the Way You Think
By keeping certain ideas active and accessible through review and repetition whether its Say yes,Fake it till you feel it, or People succeed in groups you can shape the way you think.
28. Photograph Your Mementos to Free Up Clutter
Taking digital photos of your mementos can get rid of clutter, free-up storage space, and provide you with a simple way to walk down memory lane.
29. Save Trees With Ease
Want to avoid all the paper towels, paper napkins and other tree-killing stuff theres no need to use?
30. Organize Your Cluttered Desktop and Regain Your Sanity
Is your desktop littered with zillions of random files and folders often litter my desktop. Learn how 5 ordinary folders can keep your desktop immaculate.