superfoods to boost your brainpower naturally

Superfoods To Boost Your Brainpower Naturally

Superfoods To Boost Your Brainpower Naturally
21. Cinnamon
Cinnamon delivers some antiinflammatory benefits, which may well boost overall brain functioning, Katz explains. It also unleashes in the brain some special proteins called neurotrophic factors, which can help the brain generate new neurons and keep old ones healthy. Similar to mint, researchers found that the aroma of cinnamon can improve memory and focus on cognitive tests, says Katz, so dont forget to sprinkle a little on your coffee in the morning.
22. Ginger
Many women can experience a loss of mental sharpness as they get into middle age, but ginger has been shown to help keep that from happening, Katz says. Another study on postmenopausal women showed ginger boosting memory skills and ability to focus. Stirfry for dinner, it is.
23. Yoghurt
Yoghurt contains amino acid tyrosine, required for the production of the neurotransmitters, which get depleted when we are under stress. So supplementing them via yoghurt can keep your brain buzzing and make you alert, ready to face the stresses of the day.
24. Turmeric
This spice contains more than two dozen antiinflammatory compounds that help spice up our brain, keep memory sharp and Alzheimers away. Besides the well known antiinflammatory curcumin, it also contains aromatic turmerone, which according to new research can even boost brain proliferation and help it heal itself. Eat it: Add to all curries, or have haldi milk at night.
25. Maca
Maca has been cultivated and grown high in the Andes for thousands of years. This hard crop grows where no other cultivated crop can survive, flourishing at altitudes of 9,000 to 14,000 feet in extreme climate of cold winds and strong sunlight. Macas ability to increase ones mental capacity is due to the fact that it works directly on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. It also has the healing power to rejuvenate the adrenal glands, which helps us cope with stressful situations.
26. Cacao
Cacao is considered a highly beneficial medicine containing over 300 beneficial chemical compounds. Unfortunately, many of the products produced from raw cacao are destroyed through processing, cooking, refining, and otherwise denaturing the original source. A good example of this is the common chocolate bars that have very low levels of cacao compared to other ingredients such as sugars, dairy, hydrogenated oils, soy, and artificial flavorings. Cacao has been shown to increase levels of specific neurotransmitters in our brains that help promote a positive outlook, facilitates rejuvenation, and lifts our spirits. Some of the beneficial chemicals in cacao that help with this include.
27. Reishi
Known in Eastern medicine as the mushroom of immortality and King of Herbs, Reishi is a medicinal mushroom that grows in various regions of the world where damp and temperate conditions exist. Reishis ability to positively affect the mind comes from its ability to maintain equilibrium and help the body maintain balance. A balanced body is a sign of a healthy and properly functioning immune system, which will result in a healthy and positive outlook. Not only that, this healing herbs adaptogenic qualities provide us with an incredible ability to handle stressful situations which eases our anxiety and increases mental clarity. Reishi is also very antibacterial and antifungal, which helps clean up the digestive system and strengthens the vagus nerve connection from the gut to the brain, to increase mental clarity and capacity.
28. Water
Water makes up 85 percent of the brain weight. So, it is but natural that lack of water can lead to brain shrinkage. Researches have shown that dehydration not only shrinks the brain tissues but also adversely affects concentration and memory. So, how much water is required by the body every day? Drink water according to your body weight. Dividing your weight in kilograms by 30 gives the amount of water in liters a day. For example, if you weigh 75 kg, drink (75/30= 2.5) 2.5 liters of water spread out over a day.
29. Pink Salmon
Pink Salmon is a fatty fish high in omega3 fatty acids or more specifically high in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) content. The American Heart Association recommends a daily supplement of 1000mg of DHA + EPA for people who have heart disease and consumption of fatty fish like salmon at least twice a week for healthy people. Although, omega3 (DHA) has been proven to benefit the heart, recent researches have shown that DHA may also benefit people who are prone to Alzheimers disease, i.e. DHA can prevent the onset of Alzheimers. Unfortunately, DHA does not seem to benefit people who already have Alzheimers. Largescale studies are required to establish the exact role of fish in memory and other brain functions.
30. Honey
Honey is the oldest natural sweetener known to man. Honey is made up of equal parts of glucose and fructose and it contains a variety of Bvitamins, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and antioxidants