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Unplug appliances when they arent in use

Save Electricity


Unplug appliances when they arent in use

Did you know that appliances that are plugged in keep using energy, even when theyre switched off Even an appliance as small as a coffee pot continues slowly sapping energy every moment it stays plugged in, long after the last cup of coffee has been consumed. Power down your computer and unplug it at the end of the day. Computers use a lot of energy, and when they stay plugged in youre wasting both energy and money.Dont leave your TV plugged in all the time. It may seem inconvenient to unplug it when youre finished watching, but the savings are worth the trouble.Unplug your sound system and speakers. These are some of the worst culprits when it comes to sapping extra energy when they arent in use.Dont forget small appliances such as phone chargers, kitchen appliances, hair dryers, and anything else youve got that runs on electricity.


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