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Rules to play Paragliding



Soaring flight is achieved by utilizing wind directed upwards by a fixed object such as a dune or ridge. In slope soaring, pilots fly along the length of a slope feature in the landscape, relying on the lift provided by the air, which is forced up as it passes over the slope. Slope soaring is highly dependent on a steady wind within a defined range the suitable range depends on the performance of the wing and the skill of the pilot. Too little wind, and insufficient lift is available to stay airborne pilots end up scratching along the slope. With more wind, gliders can fly well above and forward of the slope, but too much wind, and there is a risk of being blown back over the slope. A particular form of ridge soaring is condo soaring, where pilots soar a row of buildings that form an artificial ridge. This form of soaring is particularly used in flat lands where there are no natural ridges, but there are plenty of man made, building ridges.


Speed bar
Do Reversing Turns Away from the Ridge
Cross country flying
Weight shift
Forward launch
Traffic pattern
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