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The pelota

Rules to play Jai Alai


The pelota

The most lethal ball of any sport, the Pelota is 3/4 the size of a baseball, harder than a golf ball, and has been clocked at speeds in excess of 180 m.p.h. The Guiness Book of Records calls it the world's fastest ball. The pelota is constructed of hand wound Brazilian rubber with two hand sown goatskin covers. Pelotas cost over $150 each and must be re covered after 15 minutes of play. No machine has ever been developed to construct a pelota.


Scoring points
Court and serve
Players or teams
Jai Alai game
The jai alai industry
In case of two ties
Playing rotation
Jai Alai rules for judges
Lacrosse ball
Jai alai baskets
Jai Alai action
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